- dorsal digital nerves of ulnar nerve 指背神经(尺神经)
- dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve 指背神经(桡神经)
- dorsal digital nerves of foot 趾背神经
- dorsal digital nerves 指背神经
- Treatment outcome of a dorsal digital island flap with dorsal branch from the proper digital nerve for the pulp defects 带指神经背侧支的指背皮瓣在指腹缺损修复中的疗效观察
- A reverse dorsal digital island fascial flap with the dorsal branch from the proper digital nerve for repair of pulp defects 带指固有神经背侧支的指背筋膜逆行岛状皮瓣修复指腹缺损
- Dorsal digital nerve 指神经背侧分支
- Method Six cases of defects of the finger dorsum skin were treated by using adjacent revers e dorsal digital flap. 方法对6例指背皮肤缺损应用邻指逆行指背动脉皮瓣进行修复。
- Voche P,Ouattara D.End-to-side neurorrhaphy for defects of palmar sensory digital nerves[J].Br J Plast Surg,2005,58(2):239-244. 洪光祥陈振兵.;周围神经端侧缝合的研究进展[J]
- Objective: To report the clinical application of dorsal digital sk in flaps in repairing for the soft tissue defects of fingers. 目的:总结应用手指背部皮瓣修复外伤后手指软组织缺损的经验。
- After transfer of the flap to the injured site, epineural neurorrhaphies are done between the digital nerves of the pulp and the sensory branches of the flap. 移植皮瓣至创面后,行指腹的指神经和皮瓣感觉支的神经连接术。
- digital nerves of radial nerve, dorsal 指背神经(桡神经)
- digital nerves of ulnar nerve, dorsal 指背神经(尺神经)
- Dorsal branch of proper digital nerve 指背神经
- Methods Adopted with digital artery island flap of anastomosing palmar branch of proper digital nerve to repair fingertip defect. 方法采用缝合指固有神经掌侧支的指动脉岛状皮瓣逆行转移修复指腹缺损。
- Conclusions The main diagnositic evide nce for digital nerve entrapment is paresthesia in the semi-palmar side of the digit. 结论指神经卡压征以指掌面半侧麻木、感觉障碍为主要诊断依据。
- There are two variations:accessory abductor digiti minimi and the connection between the 2th and the 3th common digital nerve. 本实验共发现两种变异方式:肌肉的变异和神经的变异。
- Dorsal digital fascial flap wed in homodigital reconstruction 指背岛状筋膜瓣在手部软组织缺损修复中的应用
- The shark's dorsal fin was cut off by the fisherman. 鲨鱼的背鳍被渔夫割了下来。
- digital nerves of median nerve, palmar, common 指掌侧总神经(正中神经)