- AlD( Artificial Insemination by Donor), as one of the auxiliary reproduction technologies, is mainly aiming at solving the sterile among males. 异质人工授精主要解决男性不育的问题。
- Artificial insemination is tricky, too. 人工授精也很棘手。
- Producers use artificial insemination to fertilize the eggs. 生产者往往用人工授精来使更多蛋受精。
- An old couple decided to have another child by artificial insemination. 有一对老夫妻决定用人工授精再生个小孩。
- AID or artificial insemination by a donor 供者人工授精
- The first rabbit born after artificial insemination is exhibited to the world. 1939年的今天,首只人工授精出生的兔子对世界展览。
- The pandas, the first in Japan, that be born through artificial insemination. 这对日本的第一对大熊猫,是通过人工授精出生的。
- artificial insemination by donor 他精人工授精
- artificial insemination by donor(AID) 供精人工授精(AID)
- The first ever rhino to be born by artificial insemination has been born in Budapest Zoo, Hungary. 世界上首只人工受精犀牛在匈牙利首都布达佩斯动物园降生。
- Artificial insemination by donor (AID) 供精人工授精(AID)
- Sperm donor for artificial insemination 人工授精精子供者
- artificial insemination by donor semen 供精AI
- artificial insemination of donor 供精者精子人工受精
- artificial insemination with donor semen 人工授精
- The clinics encouraged women to go home after artificial insemination and make love with their infertile husbands. 诊所鼓励妇女在人工授精后回家与无生育能力的丈夫做爱。
- artificial insemination with donor's semen 供者精液的人工授精
- Slovenes voted in an unusual referendum that could bar single women from getting pregnant by artificial insemination. 斯洛文尼亚人目前正在投票决定是否举行一次全民公决,这次全民公决需要决定的是是否要禁止单身女子进行人工受孕。
- Artificial insemination: Introduction of semen into a female's vagina or cervix by means other than sexual intercourse. 人工授精:不经性交而将精子引进雌性动物阴道或子宫颈内的方法。
- In animal breeding, especially cattle-breeding, artificial insemination is now widely used. 在动物生育,特别是牛的生育中,人工授精已经广泛使用。