- I don' t care a jot for their feelings. 我一点都不理会他们的感受.
- I don' t care a fig what others think of me. 我毫不在乎别人对我有什麽想法.
- As for me, I don' t care for tea. 就我来说,我是不喜欢喝茶的。
- I don' t care a damn what you do. ; I don' t give a damn what you do. 我才不在乎你的所作所为呢。
- I don't care where we go as long as we don't have to stand in line. 不管去哪里,五月天成人俱乐部我们无法雇用你。
- U always say that I am ur daughter so mine r all urs ,but you don’t care how I feel. 你总是说我是你的女儿,所以我的一切都是你的,但是你并不关心我的感觉。
- I don’t care whether you are fat or thin, all that I need is a healthy and happy Snowwhite. 我不介意你的胖与瘦,我需要的是一个健康快乐的公主。
- Typos and misspellings tell the hiring manager you don’t care about the quality of your work. 我见燕没反应,更加大胆的解开燕的短裙拉练,迅速将短群和白色内裤全部脱下丢在一边。
- Some users don’t care about emptying their thrash and also use it as another folder at times, this will remind them to empty it. 有些用户从来不去关心清空回收站,还不时把它当成另外的文件夹使用,这样的图标会提醒他们清空它。
- We don’t care if we scrawl and waste them, thinking that they will come endlessly---those “old newspapers” are inexhaustible. 总觉得他的一生太短暂,他离开我们的时候才63岁,可以说匆匆忙忙地度过了为别人奉献的一生。
- At my school, a lot of people goof around about music and don’t care about it, but this place actually has people who really care. 在我的学校里,很多人提到音乐就只会耍宝搞笑,根本不把它当一回事,但这里的人真的很看重音乐。”
- Nikita Khrushchev You won‘t give up the bridge. I don‘t care if you lost half your men. Lose the other half. Lose yourself. 赫鲁晓夫你不能失守大桥。我不关心这样是否会损失你一半的人。把另一半人的命也豁出去。你也要英勇献阵。
- My life is a miracle, my dream is protected in a castle.I don t care whatever they say about me.Everthing gonna be allright...... 谢谢你;十三;这个帖子的意义对我而言是无与伦比的.;可能我还有疑问和不安;但已经感到阴云渐渐散去
- She is neutral in this argument ; she doesn' t care who wins. 在这场辩论中她保持中立,不在乎谁赢谁输。
- When you start modeling your interaction around answering the second question, girls quickly realize that you don’t care about all the superficiality. 当你开始围绕第二个问题的回答来建立搭讪的模型时,美女会很快意识到你不在乎她的肤浅。
- In most cases, users don’t care if their job is accomplished with hierarchical databases, relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat-file systems, or black magic. 大多数情况下,就用户而言,他们不关心我们的工作是使用层次数据库、关系数据库、面向对象数据库、平面文件系统,还是魔术来完成。
- The next time you are implored to decide if it‘s the right time to get back into tech, or timber, or Thailand, you can smile, take a deep breath, and say, "I don‘t care. 在下一次,当你被被迫着有决定是时间去购买科技板块,或木材板块,或泰国板块时,你可以微笑一下,然后深呼吸,说“我并不关心这些”。
- I couldn' t care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous. 我不愿让他参加俱乐部,因为他有点捣蛋的味道。
- If a rider isn’t careful, up to a 600+ meter freefall is possible. 骑车人一不小心,就很有可能完成600+米的自由落体。
- Be aimed at the careful state of mind of VC, mai Du invests copartner Qiu Liping to admonish the business that means financing, in price respect, the enterprise should be moved low anticipate. 针对VC的谨慎心态,麦顿投资合伙人邱立平告诫想要融资的企业,在价格方面,企业要调低预期。