- The dominant frequency increased as increase of the pear firmness, and decreased as increase of the pear mass. 经分析,主响应频率随坚实度的增加而变大、随质量的增加而变小,主响应频率与质量、坚实度有较好的相关性。
- The natural frequencies were compared with the dominant frequencies extracted from the test squeal vibration with the reciprocating sliding system. 将得到的系统振动频率与系统的试验噪声的频率进行比较,发现它们的一些结果有很好的一致性。
- Methods In 44 people with GU or DU and 20 healty people,we recorded the correlated indices including dominant power,dominant frequency eg of electrogastrogram. 方法对44例胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡患者及20例健康志愿者进行胃电图监测,记录主频率,主功比,各频段胃电所占百分比等指标。
- The main parameters that effect horizontal resolution of migration imaging were identified as medium velocity, dominant frequency of seismic wavelet and aperture angle of migration processing. 结果表明,影响偏移成像水平分辨率的主要参数是介质速度、地震子波主频和偏移处理的孔径角。
- The results show that the dominant frequency componems of single deck blast vibration signals are concentrated at the higher frequency band(39 Hz-156Hz)and the ratio of the energy of low frequency components(less than 39 Hz) to the total energy is lower. 结果表明,在单段爆破中,爆破震动信号成分主要以中高频(39Hz~156Hz)为主,低频成分(39Hz以下)所占比例极少。
- Experimental results show that under the effect of the rotor wake, the dominant frequencies of pressure fluctuations on stator blades are the rotor blade passing frequency (BPF) and its harmonics. 实验结果表明:在转子尾迹的影响下,静子叶片表面的波动频率是转子的尾迹频率及其倍频。
- To increase the sustain of a musical instrument (e.g. a guitar or bass) use an equalizer in the Sidechain circuit and boost the EQ in the dominant frequency range of the instrument. 为了增加音乐设备支持(如吉它或贝司),在边链电路里使用一个EQ并且在设备占有优势频率的范围内提升EQ。
- Base on the results of the numerical simulation, the coaction of the natural frequency of buildings and the dominant frequency of the ground vibration on the responses of buildings is researched. 通过数值计算所得的结果,分析了结构自振频率与地面激励占优频率对建筑物响应的共同影响。
- Further experiments were conducted under big subcooled degree in which the dominant frequency increased dramatically, while the amplitude of the pressure oscillation decreased a lot. 同时,进行了大过冷度条件下的实验,实验结果显示,此时的过冷态沸腾的振动特征频率会大幅度地增加,而其振动幅度却明显地减小。
- To increase the sustain of a musical instrument (e.g., a guitar or bass), use an equalizer in the Sidechain circuit and boost the EQ in the dominant frequency range of the instrument. 为了增加音乐设备支持(如吉它或贝司),在边链电路里使用一个EQ,并且在设备占有优势频率的范围内提升EQ。
- Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。
- Most of the conventional data fitting methods use orthogonal polynomials, which have shortcomings such as lowering the dominant frequency, distorting the breakpoint and the enormous error, etc. 摘要在传统的地震数据拟合技术中大都采用正交多项式拟合方法,这种拟合方法的拟合结果存在拟合不够准确的缺点,导致处理后地震数据的主频降低、断点变形。
- The right hand is dominant in most people. 大多数人的右手是优势手。
- The dominant influence in her life was her father. 她一生中对她影响最大的是她父亲。
- A dominant or favorable position or situation. 处于占优势或有利的地位或位置
- Instantaneous dominant frequency 瞬时主频
- The castle was built in a dominant position on a hill. 城堡筑在小山上俯瞰四周的位置上。
- Nakamura claimed that the resonant peak on the dominate frequency of HVSR of microtremor is mainly constructed by the multi-reflection of SH waves rather than Rayleigh waves. 中村丰教授提出单站频谱比法并主张微地动单站频谱比于主频的放大效应主要是由多重反射的SH波所构成,而非被大多数学者所认为的雷利波。
- Brown eyes are dominant and blue eyes are recessive. 棕色眼睛是显性的,蓝色眼睛是隐性的。
- She's the dominant child in the group. 她是这一群孩子中的孩子头.