- Technology is the dominant force of our time and probably of all time to come. 科技是当代而且很可能将是以后所有时代的主导力量。
- With the advent of the First World War ,the United States became the dominant force in the motion-picture industry . 第一次世界大战爆发后,美国变成电影业的主要力量之一。
- With the advent of the First World War, the United States became the dominant force in the motion-picture industry . 第一次世界大战爆发后,美国变成电影业的主要力量之一。
- You're very much the dominant force in the modern game. What career targets do you set yourself? 你是现代网球的统治力量,你为自己设定了什么目标?
- With the advent of the First World War , the United States became the dominant force in the motion-picture industry . 第一次世界大战爆发后,美国变成电影业的主要力量之一。
- With the advent of the First World War , the United States became the dominant force in the motion-picture industry. 第一次世界大战爆发后,美国变成电影业的主要力量之一。
- That was until I ran into Gregg Olson, a pitcher who at one time was a dominant force in the Baltimore Orioles bullpen. 他曾是巴尔的摩金莺队中一名压制力很强的牛棚投手,最拿手的球路是大弧度的曲球,而且控球精准得要命。
- Virtually single-handedly, Mr Thornton turned Goldman into a dominant force in European investment banking. 桑顿先生几乎是单枪匹马使高盛在欧洲投资银行业占据了统治地位。
- Newsom has created an advisory council to help solidify San Francisco's role as a dominant force in the industry. 纽瑟姆创办了咨询公司来巩固旧金山在行业内作为主导力量的作用。
- Kenyon admitted is it important for Chelsea to be the dominant force in London before they can make themselves a global powerhouse. 肯杨承认切尔西成为伦敦城里主导力量很重要,但这得等到他们取得国际赛事的胜利以后。
- The combination of BHP and Rio would create a dominant force in the seaborne iron ore market, a key ingredient for steelmaking. 必和必拓与力拓合并,将形成海运铁矿石市场上的一个主导力量。铁矿石是炼钢的关键材料。
- Technology is the dominant force of our time and probably of all time to come. It appears in more varieties than we can count). (技术是我们这个时代,并有可能成为未来的支配性力量。它比我们可以想见的变化要丰富得多。)
- In Israel's early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism. 在早期的以色列,犹太复国主义是世俗化运动的主要力量,而另一边的主导力量则是世俗化的阿拉伯民族主义。
- Yet the old boy might have approved of the way the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has managed to become the dominant force in Nepali politics. 虽然,他可能认可尼泊尔共产党(毛派)为取得尼泊尔政治主导权所采用的途径。
- Andrew Bynum, the Fruit Loops eating porker the Lakers drafted in 2005 who Kobe wanted to “ship out” for Jason Kidd began to become a dominant force. 安猪拜纳姆,那个科比想要用他交换贾森基德的2005湖人新秀突然成长为强大的力量。
- Following the historical examples of Britain and America, they are expected to be the dominant force in establishing or consolidating democracy. 有历史上的英美两国做榜样,他们有望成为建立和巩固民主的中坚力量。
- In much the same way as IOS, these are supposed to drive demand for Cisco gear and make the firm a dominant force in new markets. 思科期望,这些操作系统及平台能和网络操作系统一样,拉动对其设备的需求并使思科在新市场上成为主导势力。
- Claude Makelele admitted Chelsea must repeat last season's title success on a regular basis before they can replace Manchester United as the dominant force in English football. 马克来来承认切尔西要取代曼联成为英格兰足球的主导力量必须有条不紊地做好卫冕的工作。
- Microsoft became a dominant force in computing shortly after I.B.M. picked the company, by then based in Bellevue, Wash., to provide the principal operating system for the I. 在国际商用公司与微软公司合作不久,微软公司就成为电脑世界的主要力量。
- But while his squad might be showing signs of dissent, there is nothing that bonds more powerfully than the knowledge that you are part of the dominant force. 但是当队内可能正出现不和谐音符时,没有什么比起你是主导力量一份子这一理念更强有力地将你束缚。