- Only so can aggression be checked. 只有这样才能阻止侵略。
- This move constitutes an act of aggression. 这一举动构成了侵略行为。
- That country was guilty of aggression. 那个国家犯了侵略罪。
- They achieved their original dominance by stealth. 他们原先的优势是暗中取得的。
- Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche? 损人利己是否是人心灵的主宰?
- Dominance by location; extent of view. 控制定位控制; 观察的范围
- dominance aggression 支配攻击
- Troops are on the alert against any possible aggression. 军队戒备着可能的来犯。
- The whole land rose to resist foreign aggression. 举国奋起抗击外来侵略。
- They started an aggression upon us. 他们向我们发动侵略。
- They campagned against a war of aggression. 他们开展反侵略战争的运动。
- They, too, fell victim to its aggression. 他们也成了它侵略的受害者。
- Dominance of quantum processes is not complete. 量子过程并不囊括一切。
- Nothing is more horrible than wars of aggression. 没有比侵略战争更可怕的事了。
- The dominance of using RO method were put forward. 提出了反渗透法作为渗沥液处理主体工艺的优势。
- We can never countenance a war of aggression . 我们永不赞成侵略战争。
- He felt emasculated by her dominance. 他感到她的支配地位使自己变的柔弱。
- No provision was made against England aggression. 对于英国的侵略毫无防备。
- Kennicott's dominance was heavy upon her. 肯尼科特对她控制的很紧。
- This is an aggression upon my right. 这个是对我的权利的侵害。