- domestic wastewater discharge 城市生活污水排放量
- Some 85.6 percent of the industrial enterprises nationwide have met the set wastewater discharge volume. 全国工业废水排放达标率为85.;6%25。
- The application of CASS process in treating and reusing domestic wastewater is presented. 介绍CASS工艺在生活污水处理及回用中的应用.
- Alter treated, the effluent can comply with the Class A of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). 废水处理后,各项出水指标均能达到污水综合排放标准(GB8978-19%25一级标准)。
- Inter-floor reuse of domestic wastewater is an effective measure to improve the efficiency using of water and reduce sewerage drainage. 摘要生活废水跨层再利用是提高生活用水效率与减少污水排放量的有效节水措施。
- The large domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has been around just for more than twenty years. 国内的大型城市污水处理厂起步较晚,仅有二十几年的历史。
- Wastewater discharge has soared in the Yangtze River basin, more than doubling from 2000 to 2005, the WWF report says. 据世界野生动物协会的报告称,长江流域的污水排放量激增,2000至2005年间增长了一倍以上。
- The result could be used as reference for treating domestic wastewater dispersedly in the middle and small towns. 这种联合工艺对中小城市生活污水分散式处理也有一定的借鉴意义。
- The removal efficiency of NH_3-N with three kinds of fillers(sand,gravel,perlite)for domestic wastewater was studied. 研究了沙子、砾石、珍珠岩三种填料对生活污水中氨氮(NH_3-N)的去除效果。
- While the curve skews rightwards for industrial wastewater discharge, it skews leftwards for industrial exhaust gas, and solid waste. 工业废水排放与城市化的耦合曲线正处于倒"U"的右侧,而工业固体废物和工业废气与城市化的耦合曲线则处于倒"U"型左侧。
- A design process, stable, reliable manner so that wastewater discharge standards, the solution is the key to tannery waste water pollution. 设计一种处理工艺,稳定、可靠地使废水达标排放,是解决制革废水污染的关键。
- The study on the domestic wastewater treatnent with soilless cultivated Canna generalis, Iponoea aauatica, Oruza sativa and O. 采用无土栽培美人蕉、蕹菜、水稻、野生稻处理生活废水。
- Upflow biological aerated filter (UBAF) was designed for advanced treatment of urban domestic wastewater in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province. 介绍了山东省枣庄市城市污水处理厂采用升流式曝气生物滤池(UBAF)作为污水深度处理的主体工艺的情况。
- Total Organic Carbon can reflect water pollutant degree completely, and adopted by many countries and integrated wastewater discharge standard of our country. 总有机碳能够完全反映水中有机污染程度,已被许多国家所采用,我国也将它列入“污水综合排放标准”中。
- Domestic wastewater was treated by a combined anoxic oxic hybrid bioreactor and hollow fiberultrafiltration membrane system. 采用缺氧好氧复合生物反应器和中空纤维超滤膜一体式组合系统处理生活污水。
- Several optimized pretreatment and treatment processes and the main measures of strengthening management for reducing PTA wastewater discharge are recommended. 推荐了PTA废水的优化预处理工艺、优化主体处理工艺、加强管理减少废水排放的主要措施;
- Nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanism in subsurface wastewater infiltration system treating domestic wastewater was studied. 对地下渗滤系统处理生活污水的氮磷去除机理进行了研究。
- Author designed two equipment (UCASS and CASS) with the same of dimension, and compared with their efficiency by dealing with domestic wastewater and pharmaceutical wastewater. 脱氮除磷UCASS工艺则主要适用于脱氮除磷要求严格的场合。 并设计加工了尺寸相同的两套装置(好氧UCASS工艺和CASS工艺),对生活污水和某制药废水进行了对比试验研究。
- Planted with Phragmites australis and unplanted wetlands were constructed to compare organic matter removal from domestic wastewater based on water budget. 构建了芦苇和无植物人工湿地,在系统水量衡算的基础上比较了两种湿地对生活污水中有机物的去除效果。
- The advanced treatment of domestic wastewater was achieved by applying a multilevel biological contacting oxidation system, combined with ecological vegetation. 采用多级生物接触氧化法结合生态绿地对城市生活污水进行深度处理。