- They say foreign businessman can now invest in real estate for domestic sale. 据说现在外商可以投资于内销房地产项目。
- Why We Lack Plush Brand for Domestic Sales? 内销毛绒玩具缘何品牌缺失?
- With Fox's listing in the domestic sale of several of the hatchback car, Fox, () and Sega's closest style. 随着福克斯的上市,国内在售的几款两厢车中,福克斯、()和世嘉的风格最为接近。
- The marketing of jadeite jade jewelry from Taobao. com and Ebay. com which are two main domestic sale webs is investigated. 摘要利用统计分析和抽样调查的方法,对国内两大主要网络销售平台(淘宝网和易趣网)上的天然翡翠饰品的价位及消费情况进行了调查。
- At present the high mountain tea is majorly for domestic sale, and its flavor is extremely good in the autumn and winter, whose supply is unable to meet the demand. 目前高山茶以内销为主,秋冬茶风味绝佳,常有供不应求现象。
- Increase the domestic sales base according to the company stratagem, finish sales target. 根据公司战略规划和全国区域市场发展,完成公司下达的销售任务。
- Honda is even opening a new factory in Japan, its first in almost 30 years, despite falling domestic sales. 本田甚至在日本增设了一个新工厂,这是30年以来头一回,为的是挽回失去的本土消费者。
- When focusing on domestic sales and foreign trade, we would like to offer you with OEM services. 本公司在全力做好内销、外贸的同时,更协助客户生产OEM产品。
- We are engaged in assembling and testing PCBA and final product for export and domestic sales. 从事于印制线路板及最终产品的装配和测试,并能进行国内外的销售。
- Dir companies and bear the days drag Deere products in domestic sales and after-sales service. 承担着迪尔公司及迪尔天拖产品在国内的销售与售后服务。
- And agents in Japan, Taiwan, various types of projectors, sclerometer domestic sales. 并代理日本、台湾、各类投影仪、硬度计国内销售。
- Deputy importation, distribution (futures, spot), as well as domestic sales of pulp, paper and other business. 代理进口,分销(期货、现货)以及国内销售纸浆、废纸等业务。
- Deputy importation, distribution (futures, spot), as well as domestic sales and other business. 代理进口,分销(期货、现货)以及国内销售等业务。
- The company mainly engaged in domestic sales of imported second-hand car hoists. 本公司主要从事销售国产进口二手汽车吊。
- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
- The sale office is on line to the warehouse. 营业部与仓库的计算机联网。
- Engaging in the domestic sales of paper and the agent as well as the direct importer of the third products like Wood, Cotton, Plastic, and Latex. 主要从事纸张的内贸销售业务和第三产品诸如木材、棉花、塑料和橡胶的代理和自营业务。
- I got it for next to nothing in a jumble sale. 这是我在旧货拍卖场简直没花钱买到的。
- For example, in a worksheet that includes both domestic and international sales data, you can display only domestic sales. 例如,在包括国内销售数据和国际销售数据的工作表中,可以只显示国内销售额。
- Sale is down a bit due to the revaluation. 由于货币升值销售额有下降。