- The Early Domestic Loan In China 中国早期内国公债探微
- The rise in domestic loans was partly due to increased borrowings for purchasing new equity shares. 本地贷款增加,部分原因是用作购买新股的借款上升。
- The expansion in domestic loans was partly attributable to increased borrowings for purchasing new equity shares. 本地贷款增长,部分原因是用于购买新股的贷款增加。
- The marked rise in domestic loans was partly due to loans for a large corporate acquisition. 本地贷款显著上升,部分是因为一宗大型企业收购交易涉及的贷款。
- The increase in capitalization will then allow the CDB to expand its domestic loans. 这些在资产方面的增值将允许CDB拓展其国内贷款业务。
- The new loan has been oversubscribed. 新债券的认购已超额了。
- It galled him to have to ask for a loan. 必须向人借钱使他感到羞辱。
- The total amount of domestic loans for use in Hong Kong has been falling continuously for 16 months, causing hardship for borrowers, in particular for the small and medium-sized enterprises. 至今为止,在本港使用的贷款总额已连续下跌16个月,中小型企业都为求借无门而发愁。
- I have the book on loan from the library. 我从图书馆借来这本书。
- I hope this small loan will see you through. 我希望这笔小贷款能使你渡过难关。
- She has a piano on loan from her friend. 她正在借用朋友的钢琴。
- The bank gave him a loan and that did the business. 银行给他提供了一笔贷款,问题于是行到了解决。
- The People's Bank made a timely loan to them. 人民银行及时给了他们贷款。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。
- The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。
- She felt fenced in by domestic routine. 她觉得自己完全被家务事束缚住了。
- I propose to repay the loan at20 a month. 我打算每月偿还贷款20英镑。
- He waylaid me with a request for a loan. 他等我经过时拦住我向我借钱。
- He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。
- Domestic troubles drove him to drink. 家愁使他染上饮酒的习惯。