- How does domestic law treat hematic fat? 家庭法怎样治疗血脂?
- If the Convention does apply, domestic law is preempted. 如果适用公约,则国内法则优先适用。
- Any such agreement would however be subject to the mandatory rules of the domestic law governing the contract. 不过,任何此类协议都必须遵守管辖合同的国内法的强制性规则。
- Both covenants have now been passed into domestic law, and will go on to President Chen for promulgation. 两个条款皆以通过并将由陈总统颁布实施。
- However, the current domestic law on the risk-remoteness mechanism in securitization is not perfect. 我国现行法律对风险隔离的规定尚不完善。
- The Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap.383),enacted in 1991 to give effect in domestic law to the provisions of the ICCPR,remains in force. 一九九一年制定的《香港人权法案条例》(第383章)继续有效。该条例使《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的条文得以在本港法律中实施。
- The principles of interpretation were incorporated into the HKSAR's domestic law by means of the Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance in July 1997. 一九九七年七月制定的《香港回归条例》收纳了这些解释原则作为香港本地法律的一部分。
- Finally, author draws a conclusion: the way of application of WTO should be direct and be prior when conflict with domestic law. 作者得出的结论是 :WTO在我国的适用方式应当是直接适用 ,当其与国内法发生冲突时有优先的效力。
- The Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap.383), enacted in 1991 to give effect in domestic law to the provisions of the ICCPR, remains in force. 一九九一年制定的《香港人权法案条例》(第383章)继续有效。该条例使《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》的条文得以在本港法律中实施。
- The legal basis about actionability of domestic law in WTO is Article 23 of GATT1994,Article 3.8 of DSU and Article 16.4 of the WTO Agreement. WTO体制内国内法可诉的法律依据是GATT1994第23条、DSU第3.;8条以及《WTO协定》第16
- He said Tehran would take such action in accordance with domestic laws. 他说,德黑兰将依照国内法律采取行动。
- The right to know is a requisite of democracy, of people's welfare and of democratic governing.It is safeguarded by international law and domestic law. 摘要知情权是人民主权、福利国家和民主政府的要求,它得到国际法和国内法的双重保障。
- To determine if CISG applies to a particular contractual issue, one must look to the Convention itself, and not domestic law. 在确定公约是否适用于具体合同问题时,任何人应当看公约本身而不是国内法。
- Under domestic law, salacious images of children aged less than 18 are considered child pornography, and production and sale of such images is banned. 日本的法律规定,18岁以下儿童的淫秽照片为儿童色情,并禁止这类图片的制作和销售。
- To avoid a disagreement that might have jeopardized the adoption of CISG, these questions were left for settlement by domestic law. 为了避免这些分歧可能危害公约的通过,就将这些问题交给国内法解决。
- According to domestic law, farmland is collectively owned, but meted out to farmers in small plots in long term leasing contracts. 根据我国法律,农村土地是集体所有,但是可以把小块的土地以长期租赁合同的形式分配给农民。
- The domestic law of the person under guardianship shall apply to the establishment, alteration and termination of a guardianship. 监护的设立、变更和终止,适用被监护人的本国法律。
- The main products: the United States producing tractors, Cotton Picker, Italy-tractor, a plough, and other domestic law. 主要产品:美国产拖拉机、采棉机、意大利产拖拉机、法国产犁具等。
- In any event, States that choose to enact UNCITRAL legislative texts as domestic law may make them subject to the level of consumer protection that they consider appropriate. 无论如何,决定将贸易法委员会法规作为国内法颁布的国家,可以规定这些法规必须服从于其认为适宜的消费者保护程度。
- For this purpose, China had commenced a plan to systematically revise its relevant domestic laws. 为此,中国已开始实施系统修改其有关国内法的计划。