- domestic gas installation 民用煤气设备
- Installation of domestic gas conversion burners 家用煤气转换燃烧器的安装
- Employee of a gas supply organization who checks gas meters and domestic gas apparatus. (抄煤气表、检查设备的)煤气公司雇员。
- For a central gas installation, one oxygen and acetylene outlet station in the workshop, complete with low pressure regulator, pressure gauges and backfire valves. 低压布置在工作间,主要设备包括低压减压阀,压力表和回火器。
- However, the state-run Anatolia news agency and other reports later said the explosion was most likely caused by a leak from a gas installation there. 然而,安纳托利亚国有新闻代理社和其他报道最近说那爆炸最有可能是由那边的一个加油站泄漏造成的。
- Typical domestic gas appliances, some attached to the interior piping, were located in several houses. 有几幢房屋装有典型家庭用瓦斯设备,其中有些与内部瓦斯管相连。
- Chongqing part of a commercial real estate development companies tenants complaints overcharged 144 households gas installation, the tenants are now full refund. 重庆市部分商住楼住户投诉某房地产开发公司多收144户天然气安装费,现已全部退还住户。
- This article analyzes the principle of eddying flow burner of domestic gas range, and introduces the design principle of eddying flow burner. 分析了家用燃气灶旋流式燃烧器的原理,并介绍其设计原则。
- The feasibihty of business multiformity for domestic gas station is discussed and relative issues to be noted are pointed out in this article. 阐述国内加油站尝试多元化经营的可行性,并提出相关注意事项。
- Inflation is running in double digits, domestic gas and electricity prices need to be raised and the outlook for the world economy is suddenly gloomier. 通货膨胀呈两位数递增,民用天然气与电费也需要增长,而且世界经济的前景也突然出现悲观。
- A method using a domestic gas chromatograph controlled by computer with a homemade DNP packed column for the determination of major flavor components in Chinese spirtis is described. 采用微机控制的国产气相色谱仪和自制的DNP填充柱测定了白酒中的主要香味组分。
- The paper presents the technology of collecting blow gas, studies the process, proportion and mixing method, the suitability of domestic gas appliance in use, and indicates it improves gas output. 本文提出两段炉制气回收废气掺混液化气技术,研究了回收工艺、掺混比例、掺混方式及在用民用煤气灶具的适用性,指出此工艺提高了煤气产量。
- Several currently prevalent modes for gas station management,namely CORO,CODO and DODO etc.are studied and some ideas for further improvement of domestic gas station management are suggested. 试从国外现代流行的加油站管理方式,即CORO、CODO、DODO等模式入手,研究探讨国内加油站如何进一步提高经营管理水平。
- In 1998,seven gas supply companies. 3598 gas installers and 494 gas contractors were registered under the scheme. 1998年内,共有七家气体供应公司、3598名气体装置技工及494名气体工程承办商根据这项计划注册。
- Some problems concerned in the process of detecing quality of domestic gas water-heaters, espedally gas leakiness, are briefly discussed in the paper, as well as basic procedures and regulations. 本文简要介绍了燃气热水器(燃气泄漏类)质量鉴定时应注意的问题,以及基本的程序、规定。
- Manually operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plug valves for gas installations for buildings. 建筑物气体装置用手工操作球阀和死底锥形旋塞。
- In 1998, seven gas supply companies. 3598 gas installers and 494 gas contractors were registered under the scheme. 年内,共有七家气体供应公司、3598名气体装置技工及494名气体工程承办商根据这项计划注册。
- Must be a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) registered to carry out work of Classes 3 & 6. 必须已获注册为进行第3类及第6类工程的注册气体装置技工。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 猫在许多国家都是家养动物。
- She felt fenced in by domestic routine. 她觉得自己完全被家务事束缚住了。