- We are manufacturing and wholesaling in Hong Kong and are expanding to China and South East Asia. 我们是一间建基香港、背靠祖国、放眼东南亚的综合饮品工厂及批发商。
- LGV is common in Central and South America, West and East Africa, and South East Asia. 尽管在一些国家的港口城市有所发现,但是在其他地方罕见。
- Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 产品远销英国、美国、(非法词语,系统屏蔽)、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评
- Since its incorporation in 1996, today UT-SYSTEM populates the entire of China and south East Asia. 公司自1996年3月创立以来,每年不断地稳步成长,至今已成为东南亚地区及中国大陆的主要自动化工程系统的制造公司。
- The National Relics Hall has cultural relics from China, India, Australia, and South East Asian countries. 中外民族文物部分陈列有中国、印度、澳大利亚及东南亚各国的民族文物。
- You can appreciate the modern and South East Asian decoration with a Moorish style. 位于有“中国灯饰之都”之称的中山市古镇新兴大道,地理位置优越、交通便利。
- We will review the remaining reclamation in Wan Chai North and South East Kowloon against the single test laid down by the court. 今后,我们将按照终审法院订定的单一测试准则去检讨馀下的湾仔北和东南九的填海工程。
- The animal outbreaks then gradually spread to Russia and some parts of Europe, while human cases remained localised in Asia and South East Asia. 其后动物爆发续渐扩散到俄罗斯和欧洲某些国家,而人类感染个案在亚洲及东南亚地区持续发生。
- During the decade of the 1970s,vast areas of tropical forest in South America,Africa,and South east Asia were cleared and converted to agriculture and other uses. 在20世纪70年代的10年中,在南美洲、非洲和东南亚,大面积的热带森林被砍光,并应用于农业和其他用途。
- She also founded the Los Angeles Yip's Children's Choir in1993 and led the Choir in numerous performances throughout Southern California and South East Asia. 及后,她亦于1993年在美国创立洛杉矶叶氏儿童合唱团,曾先后多次带领该团在南加州及东南亚等地区演出音乐剧。
- A unit of currency in North Korea and South Korea. 朝鲜和韩国的一种货币单位
- The centre cited both domestic and global reasons. 国家信息中心从国内和国际两方面对预测结果进行了分析
- The programme introduces breathtaking Christmas scenery in North America and South East Asia, reliving what happened this year while wishing for a better new year. 本节目将介绍北美及东南亚的圣诞美景,带领观众在圣诞节时一边回想今年所发生的事,一边祝愿明年会更好。
- Consists of domestic and trade effluents. 包含内部的和交换的污水。
- Chow Tai Fook is focus on retail, wholesale, and manufacture of bijouterie in China and South East Asia, including pure gold, diamond, precious stone and south sea pearl . 周大福主要在中国及东南亚地区经营珠宝首饰的零售,批发和制造业务,产品主要包括999。9纯金首饰,钻石,宝石,玉器,南洋珍珠等。
- PBR is a leading designer and manufacturer of brake systems and technologies with plant facilities in Australia, North America, China and South East Asia. PBR公司在汽车制动系统和技术方面拥有领先地位;其厂房设施分布于澳大利亚;北美;中国和东南亚.
- Our different styles of fashionable and high quality products have been sold to te of countries and regio such as Europe, USA, Japan and South East Asia.Etc. 制作出时尚潮流,品质优良的各式产品,并远销欧、美、日、东南亚等几十个国家和地区。
- Our open policy has two aspects: domestic and international. 开放是两个内容,一个对内开放,一个对外开放。
- We are the largest OEM producer in the rice milling industy in China and our products are widely used all around the world especially India,Pakistan and South East Aisa . 近十年来,公司从几个产品发展为一百多个产品,并凭借过硬的产吕质量和良好的信誉,赢得了国内外广大消费者的认可。