- Second after chapter key introduction feminine principle this in domestic academic circles relative strange sex view, and unscrambles the feminine image in the advertisement with this theory. 第二章重点介绍后女性主义这一在国内学术界相对较陌生的性别观,并用这一理论来解读广告中的女性形象;
- This academic difficult question which concerned the origin of the belief in Avalokitesvara is not yet solved within the whole international and domestic academic circle. 这个涉及观音信仰起源的学术难题在整个国际和国内学术界还都没有解决。
- domestic academic circles 国内学界
- His influence is deeplyseated in academic circles. 他在学术界的影响是很深的。
- His influence is deeply seated in academic circles. 他在学术界的影响是很深的。
- At one time this view was dominating over the academic circles. 这种观点在学术界一度占着支配地位。
- In recent years, there is a tendency to strengthen the research of administrative philosophy in the domestic and foreign academic circles. 摘要近年来,在国内外学术界都出现了加强行政哲学研究的趋势。
- But, after the new constitution is issued, it suffered the criticism from domestic and abroad academic circles, and also is faced with the fixed question in practice. 然而,新宪法颁布后受到了国内外学术界的批评,在实施过程中也面临一定的问题。
- Since naissance, it becomes one of the focus problems of social public concern, and has already become a hot problem that domestic and international academic circles study. 自其诞生以来,就成为社会各界关注的焦点问题之一,并已经成为国内外学术界研究的一个热点问题。
- This also attracts the attention of the press and academic circles. 这一变化也逐步为新闻业界和学术界所关注。
- Their writings took powerful hold of academic circles. 他们的著作在学术界有巨大的影响力。
- As yet there are no special domestic academic institution studying on PSL. 目前,国内 尚未有跟踪 PSL的学术机构。
- He has published 12 articles on some effective domestic academic periodicals. 在国内有影响的学术期刊上发表论文12篇。
- The old gentleman is very famous in academic circles. 老先生在学术圈里很有名望。
- Everyone knows that he is a great master among academic circles. 大家都知道他是学术界的一代宗匠。
- This zais to have gained acception of a major scholar already academic circles. [初三历史论文] 摘要:胡适在学术上所取得的成就颇多,这在学术界已逐渐得到了多数学者的认同。
- But there are some misunderstandings in the academic circles to his life. 然而,过去学术界对他的生平若明若暗,甚至有不少误解。
- The plagiarist of the professor wax exposed in the academic circles. 这个教授的剽窃行为在学术界被曝光。
- The theoretical discussion and the empirical study of the "M &A Conglomerate" of listed companies are scarce in the domestic academic community. 国内对于上市公司“并购系”的研究还缺乏理论上的探讨,也未采用实证方法对“并购系”的现象进行解释。
- The evaluations of the significance of socialist transformation by domestic academic field are either too general or impractical. 国内学术界对社会主义改造意义的评价,有些提法或结论过于笼统,或不甚客观、实际。