- Under the recent international monetary system, namely the Pan-Bretton Woods system of the dollar asset standard, the center country U.S. and Asian periphery countries has reached a win-win status. 在现行国际货币体系即以资产为本位的泛布雷顿森林体系下,中心国家美国和外围亚洲国家形成了双赢的局面。
- Direct current, to protect their U.S. dollar assets in order to reduce losses. 当下直接的问题,要维护好自己的美元资产,以减少损失。
- The proceeds from the issue of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes have over time been switched into US dollar assets. 一直以来,发行外汇基金票据和债券的收益都会在其后被转换为美元资产。
- Many are still happily holding on to US dollar assets and US Treasury securities are still in great demand. 许多人仍然乐于持有美元资产,市场对美国国库券的需求亦相当大。
- Thus we have the Backing Ratio of US dollar assets over the Monetary Base, which we monitor daily. 因此我们定出美元资产对货币基础的支持比率,并会每日进行监察。
- The huge stock of dollar assets held in the GCC would be worth less in terms of the home currencies. 海湾合作委员会拥有大量的美元资产,价值不及其本国货币。
- Chinese banks and other financial institutions refused to acquire predictably depreciating dollar assets. 中国的银行和其他金融机构排斥接受笃定贬值的美元资产。
- Yields on Treasuries have not risen and spreads on riskier dollar assets continue to shrink. 国债利润仍未提高,更具风险的美元资产收益差距继续缩小。
- The currency is also suffering because the credit mess is concentrated in dollar assets. 同时也因为信贷危机集中于美元资产。
- Meanwhile, China will move to decrease foreign reserves and review excessive investments in dollar assets. 与此同时,中国将减少外汇储备,并审视对美元资产的过度投资。
- A shift in their appetite for dollar assets could send the greenback tumbling and push up American interest rates. 所以他们对美元资产的倾心,足可以使美元下跌,并推升存款利率。
- Demand for Hong Kong dollar assets further increased in December on the back of positive economic news and market perceptions of Hong Kong as a Year 2000 safe haven. 十二月份,市场对港元资产的需求进一步增加,主要因为有正面的经济消息,以及市场认为香港是电脑公元二千年数位问题的安全港。
- With the US dollar continuing to be strong, the performance of non-US dollar assets of the Fund may also not be attractive in US dollar terms. 由于美元继续保持强势,以美元来计算,基金中的非美元资产表现亦可能会未如理想。
- The US dollar assets backing the Monetary Base are managed in the most liquid form, in US dollar call deposits and US Treasury securities. 支持货币基础的美元资产是流动性最高的资产,即美元通知存款及美国国库券。
- Her only asset is a gentle nature. 她唯一的长处就是性格温柔。
- The increase in Hong Kong dollar assets reflected mainly the increase in market value of Hong Kong equities held by the Exchange Fund. 港元资产增加,主要原因是外汇基金持有的港股市值增加。
- The increase in Hong Kong dollar assets was due largely to the change in the market value of Hong Kong equities held by the Exchange Fund. 港元资产增加,主要由于外汇基金持有的香港股票市值有变。
- The increase in Hong Kong dollar assets was due mainly to an increase in bank borrowings, which was partly offset by fiscal drawdowns. 港元资产增加,主要是因为银行借款增加,但有关增幅因政府提取财政储备而被部分抵销。
- His chief asset is his winning smile. 他的主要资本是那迷人的微笑。
- Her one priceless asset is her unflappability. 她有一点是非常难能可贵的,就是她遇事冷静。