- Information on documentation conventions as well as strategies for locating information within the documentation set. 有关文档约定以及在文档集内查找信息的策略的信息。
- Notation describes the graphing and documentation conventions that are used to build the models. 符号描述用以构建模型的书写和文档约定。
- Contains information about document conventions, system requirements, Product Support Services, and other auxiliary information. 包含有关文档约定、系统要求、产品支持服务和其他辅助信息的信息。
- This topic describes the documentation conventions, as well as command shortcuts, special command-line characters and the Team Foundation specific parameters, versionspec and itemspec. 除文档约定外,本主题还将描述命令快捷方式、特殊命令行字符和Team Foundation专用参数(versionspec和itemspec)。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- The governor will keynote the convention. 州长将发表施政方针的演说。
- The date fixed for the convention was June3. 会议召开日期确定为6月3日。
- By convention the deputy leader is always a woman. 按照惯例这一领导人的副职总是由女子担任。
- If you are using standard code, semantic document conventions, and a tableless layout, your code can be so clean that it looks practically like just regular text with a few extra symbols. 如果使用的是标准代码,标准语义文档和非表格布局,那么你的代码将看上去非常清楚,简直就如同一个带有一些特殊符号的惯用文本。
- The nuns are living in the convent. 修女们住在修道院里。
- The convention looms as political battle. 这场大会将是一场政治角斗。
- Rigid, unimaginative convention. 成规死板的、无想象力的准则
- He tried to enter the country with forged document. 他试图用伪造的文件进入该国。
- She is the club's representative at the convention. 她是该俱乐部派来参加会议的代表。
- It takes courage to break the bonds of convention. 打破传统的束缚需要勇气。
- The police found no suspicious document whatsoever. 警察未发现任何可怀疑的文件。
- The mayor will keynote the convention. 市长将在大会上作主旨发言。
- We are scornful of the forces of convention. 我们藐视习惯势力。
- Please hand on the document to others. 请把这份文件依次传递给他人。
- Let me hand you these shipping document one by one. 让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧。