- The definitions are called Document Type Definitions or DTDs. 定义被称为文件“文档类型定义”或DTD。
- An HTML document is validated against a Document Type Definition (DTD). HTML文档依靠DTD来校验文档是否有效。
- Table 3 shows the Document Type Definition (DTD) [12] for workflow logs. 表3展示了工作流日志的文档类型定义(DTD)[12]。
- Document Type Definition file used by SGML and XML to define mark-up languages. SGML和XML定义标记语言使用的“文档类型定义”文件。
- Document Type Definition (DTD) should be defined before building Urban Geographic Information System based on XML. 要建立基于XML的城市地理信息系统,首先要定义它的文档类型定义(Document Type Definition,DTD)。
- That is mapping between them. The data structure is denoted by XML document type definition (DTD) and the content is denoted by XML document. 数据库存储的元数据由XML DTD(Document Type Definition)表示,而数据信息由XML文档表示。
- It's the document type definition (DTD) that determines whichelements are block-level and which are inline-level. We cannot affect that inany way. 一个元素是块级的还是内联的是由文档类型定义的.;我们并不能控制这些
- Gets a value indicating whether the current node is an attribute that was generated from the default value defined in the document type definition (DTD) or schema. 获取一个值,该值指示当前节点是否是从文档类型定义(DTD)或架构中定义的默认值生成的属性。
- The paper elaborates on the designing process of a self-contained Document Type Definition(DTD), which provides a semantic frame for scientific and technological articles. 详细阐述了一套完整的科技论文文档类型定义 (DocumentTypeDefinition ,简称DTD)的开发过程 ,该DTD给出了科技论文的语义框架。
- After a detailed anlaysis of the structure of general books, the document type definition (DTD) of GBML is presented. At last, the applications of GBML are discussed briefly. 在分析了此类书籍的结构之后,给出了GBML的文档类型定义(DTD),并讨论了GBML的应用。
- The Protocol is described with DTD(Document Type Definition)style. We analyze the questions which should be paid attention to when designing such kind of application. 用 DTD(文档类型定义)的形式时协议进行了描述,详细分析了协议的设计和实现应该注意的问题。
- Our best suggestion is to use an XML based information vocabulary with a DTD (Document Type Definition) to exchange server functions, and to use XML to exchange data. 我们推荐的是建立在DTD(文件类型定义)的信息词汇表的基础上使用XML来交换服务器功能,并且使用XML来交换数据。
- The Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), document type definition (DTD) for archival description known as encoded archival description (EAD) is an appropriate tool for this purpose. 用于档案著录的作为编码档案著录(EAD)的标准通用标记语言(SGML),文件类型定义(DTD)是为达到这个目的的一个专用工具。
- Finally, we use Extensive Markup Language (XML) to express the general engineering change document, and the Document Type Definition (DTD) of engineering change beaed on XML is also given. 最后 ,引入扩展标记语言来描述通用的工程更改文档 ,并给出了基于XML的工程更改文档类型定义方案。
- Metadata model for ontology based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is processed by attribute-calculator, and corresponding DTD (Document Type Definition) is provided to guide document creating. 将基于XML (extensibleMarkupLanguage)的本体元数据模型作为属性求值器处理的对象, 提供相应的文档类型定义 (DTD: DocumentTypeDefinition)以指导XML文档的创建;
- Then the article gives a brief account of the related standards of XML, such asDTD (Document Type Definition), Schema, XSL (extensible Stylesheet Language)and XLL (XML Link Language). 接下来介绍了XML的相关标准:DTD、Schema、XSL和XLL。
- To define the structure of an XML document, as well as its element relationships, data types, and content constraints, you use a document type definition (DTD) or schema. 要定义XML文档的结构以及它的元素关系、数据类型和内容约束,需要使用文档类型定义(DTD)或架构。
- In order to manipulate the data among the databases each other it is required to comply with the uniform XML documents of Document Type Definition ( DTD). 为了达到数据网络上的互操作。 数据库之间的数据应遵守统一的文挡类型定义(A Document Type Definition, DTD)的XML文挡进行交换,以有利于互操作。
- Remove previous sentence if your application support only one document type. 如果你的应用程序仅仅支持一种文档类型,删除先前的句子。
- These attributes appear only within complex type definitions. 这些属性仅出现在复杂类型定义中。