- Document类document class
- document reader 文件阅读器
- (或 to endorse one's name on a document) 签署文件to endorse a document with a signature
- 为什么、在何时使用document imaging?Why and when to use document imaging?
- 设置doc_root并指向web服务器的document_root。Set the doc_root to point to your web servers document_root.
- Document属性用于确定窗体输入字段是否包含值。The Document property is used to determine whether the form input field contains a value.
- Document Centre提供了一条安全的通向数字化的道路。Document Centre has offered a safe way to digitalization.
- 按照Document Flow Definition的层次,Web服务被描述为In terms of the Document Flow Definition hierarchy, a Web service is represented as
- 例如,Document Library内容类型就可能有一个Render服务。For example, there may be a Render service for the Document Library content type.
- Document Centre 706 606是办公室内所有文件流汇聚的核心。The Document Centre 706 606 is at the heart of the total document flow in the office.
- 系统管理员既将Document Flow Action设为源,又将其设为目标。The administrator sets the Document Flow Action as both the Source and the Target.
- 下列部分资料以Adobe PDF Portable Document Format档案汇报。Some of the following informations are offered as an Adobe PDF Portable Document Format File.
- 添加代码以加载XML源文档,并且将该源文档分配给控件的Document属性。Add code to load the XML source document, and assign the source to the Document property of the control.
- 下面的示例结合了Document方法格式设置样式和Literal参数格式设置样式。The following example combines the Document method formatting style with the Literal parameter formatting style.
- 默认情况下,Office Document Image Writer在安装Office 2003时进行安装。The Office Document Image Writer is installed by default when you install Office 2003.
- XPS Document Writer使您能够使用Windows上运行的任意程序创建.xps文件。The XPS Document Writer allows you to create. Xps files using any program that you run on Windows.
- 它支持任何可以打印到Microsoft Office Document Image Writer的文件类型。Any file type that can be printed to the Microsoft Office Document Image Writer is supported.
- 若要使用传真服务,必须安装Microsoft Office Document Image Writer驱动程序。To use the fax services, the Microsoft Office Document Image Writer driver is required.
- 可以在创建了表以后通过指定可选的DOCUMENT方面来进行此操作,如以下示例中所示You do this by specifying the optional DOCUMENT facet when a table is created, as shown in the following example
- 启动Office Document Imaging,对指定文件执行OCR,再保存带有新OCR文本的文件。Starts Office Document Imaging, performs OCR on the specified file, and then saves the file with the new OCR text.