- document processing device 文档处理设备
- To put all or part of a data processing device into a specified state. 把数据处理设备的全部或部分置于规定状态。
- To put all or part of a data processing device back into a prescribed state. 将部分或全部数据处理设备重新设置为事先规定的状态。
- The powerful Fuji Xerox application software fully exploits the potential of document processing and management. 强大的富士施乐应用软件充分发挥了文件处理及管理的潜能。
- Excellent in handling office issues, for example document processing, file arranging, office daily issue managing etc. 处理办公室事宜,例如文档处理,档案管理,办公室日常事物管理;
- Fuji Xerox has also won market approval in the area of colored document processing. 在彩色文件处理产品领域,富士施乐也得到了来自用户的积极肯定。
- Document processing includes two stages: document layout understanding and OCR recognition. 文档图像自动处理主要包括文档图像的版面理解(Document Layout Understanding)和OCR识别。
- The invention also provides a broadcast cooperation system and the signal processing device(s). 本发明还提供广播节目的互助系统和信号处理装置。
- Assist operation department for document processing and pigeonholing and some basal data entry. 负责协助业务部门进行文件处理和归档,及业务数据方面的处理。
- Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the processing device and technology of sliver mercerization. 摘 要:介绍了对棉条进行丝光加工的装置和加工工艺。
- This paper mainly introduces the processing device and technology of sliver mercerization. 介绍了对棉条进行丝光加工的装置和加工工艺。
- The setting up of three centralized processing centres namely, the Document Processing Centre, the Output Despatch Centre and the Tax Record Centre. 成立三个部门中央处理中心,包括文件处理中心、文件发送中心和税务档案中心。
- With the immersion method of glazing and conduct Mans mouth processing device can be kiln fired blanks. 用浸入法施釉并进行芒口处理的器坯即可入窑烧制。
- Use to document process improvements and process management in Six Sigma projects. 用来展示Six Sigma项目中的进程改进和进程管理。
- The power-switching device is communicatively coupled to at least one processing device (158, 340). 电力开关设备以通信方式耦合到至少一个处理设备(158,340)。
- A variable that is given a constant value for a specific document processing program instruction; for example, left margin10. 由特定的文档处理程序指令赋予常数值的一种变量。例如左边10。
- Because of the same kind of XML language, it can exchange information with DB, HTML, WML and other document processing and distributing system easily. 又因为其是一种XML描述语言,VoiceXML与数据库、HTML、WML以及其它文档处理和发布系统的资料交换几乎没有障碍。
- Sieves and filters are important components in any chemical processing device and are used in almost any industrial area. 滤网和过滤器是现代工业领域广泛使用的重要设备。
- Invented an ultrasonic processing device, and creatively put it together with continuous pipe-type extracting machinery. 发明出一种超声波加工处理装置,并将它创造性地和连续化管道式提取设备结合起来;
- All operators of facilities handling Nike cargo should employ an identification card system to identify personnel authorized to enter cargo and document processing area. 所有操作耐克货物的操作人员必须使用工卡通过身份验证系统来验证工作人员的身份,才可获得允许进取货物和文件处理区域。