- We caught him up on a number of factual details. 我们打断他的话,指出许多事实细节方面的错误。
- This is the doctrine of the nominalist party. 这是唯名主义学派的学说。
- Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination. 信仰宿命论的,依据宿命论的相信宿命论教义的或以宿命论教义为基础的
- The essay contains a number of factual errors. 文章中有一些与事实不符的错误。
- An adherent of the doctrine of illusionism. 物质世界幻觉论者相信物质世界幻觉论的信徒
- The doctrine of purposelessness in nature. 无目的论认为自然界毫无目的可言的理论
- One who believes in the doctrine of mechanism. 机械论者持机械论观点的人
- It was contrary to every doctrine of her belief. 那是与她的信条格格不入的。
- The church teaches the doctrine of free will. 该教会信奉自由意志的教义。
- They caught the teacher up on a number of factual details. 他们指出老师在一些事实细节上的错误。
- One who believes in the doctrine of predestination. 宿命论者相信宿命论的人
- Both developed doctrine of prosody. 他们作诗都有自己的理论。
- He got a great deal of factual information to support his argument. 他得到大量事实材料来支撑自己的论点。
- This is the doctrine of Justification by Faith. 这就是因信称义的教义。
- This is the 'doctrine' of the Great Recluse. 这是大沙门的教旨。
- The doctrine of universal salvation. 宇宙神教;普救说全世界救世的学说
- The beliefs,practices,or doctrine of an iconoclast. 反对传统、毁坏偶像的思想、行为或主义
- The beliefs, practices, or doctrine of an iconoclast. 反对传统、毁坏偶像的思想、行为或主义
- We must go beyond the mere analysis of factual causes and effects. 我们不能只限于分析事实上的原因及结果。
- Of or relating to the doctrine of antinomianism. 反律法主义信条的属于或有关反律法主义信条的