- She discovered there were many advantages to turning off the computer.For example, she had one less nag telling her what to do.She could do whatever she liked. 她发现关掉电脑有很多好处,比如说少了一个管教她的多嘴婆,爱做什麽就做什麽。
- She had no scruples; she would do whatever she wanted to. 她是一个毫无顾忌的人; 她想要做什么就做什么。
- Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace. 她叫你干什么你就干什么,那你就太平了。
- Now she longs to do whatever she can for him. 现在她渴望为他做任何事情。
- She is the law. Just do whatever she says. 她说了算,就照她说的办吧。
- do whatever she like 喜欢什么就做什么
- She has no scruples; she will do whatever she wants to. 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什么就做什么。
- She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do. 她说她的手机能让她想。
- She have no scruples; she will do whatever she want to. 她是一个毫无顾忌的人;她想要做什麽就做什麽。
- She says that her cell phone helps her to do whatever she wants to do. 她说她的手机能帮她做她想做的任何事。
- She would buy whatever she likes provided she can afford it. 只要她买的起,她就会买她喜欢的东西。
- She's not a babe in arms any longer. She's entitled to do whatever she wants to. 她现在不再是一个小娃娃了,她有权去做她想要做的一切。
- Beryl can get her husband to do whatever she wants,she's got him in the palm of her hand. 贝里尔能随意指使她丈夫做任何事,她完全控制了他。
- Beryl can get her husband to do whatever she wants-she's got him in the palm of her hand. 贝里尔能随意支使她丈夫,她完全控制了她。
- My younger sister thinks she's the bee's knees because she's the youngest in the family and is allowed to do whatever she wants. 我妹妹以为她是最受重视的,因为在家里她最小,她想干什么就干什么。
- So you do whatever she asks, but let whatever I say go in one ear and out the other. 也亏你倒听他的话。我平日和你说的,全当耳旁风。
- Regina is now "new" and free to do whatever she sees fit for the good of Hong Kong. 又有大陆人将胶鞋底当花胶卖?
- She says that her cell phone helps her do whatever she wants to do and still stay in touch with her parents and friends. 她说手机使她想做什么就做什么,而同时又与父母和朋友随时保持联系。
- You know, she's got the acting thing down, and she's made millions. Sky's the limit. I mean, Miley can do whatever she wants. 你知道,她会继续表演下去,而且她已经挣了几百万美元。她的发展没有任何限制。我是说,麦莉能做自己想做的任何事。
- It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。