- do some quiet reading 从容地读些书
- I will rather do some read at home than go shopping with them. 与其和他们去购物,我倒宁愿留在家里读点书。
- I would rather do some reading at home than go shopping with them. 与其和他们去购物,我倒宁愿留在家里读点书。
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。
- I don't need to see you now but I Do need some quiet time. 我现在不想看见你只想一个人安静一下。
- When children stand quiet, they have do some harm. 孩子不出声,必定闯之祸。
- This schoolgirl likes to do some needlework. 这个女学生喜欢做针线活。
- I always do some exercise on the balcony. 我经常在阳台上做些锻炼。
- Do some fertilization for the garden! 给花园施些肥料吧!
- I was having a quiet read when the phone rang. 我在静静地看书,忽然电话铃响了。
- She needed some quiet time to think things out. 她需要些时间静一静去思考问题。
- She's out do some shopping right now. 她现在出去买此东西。
- Put on some quiet music; dim the lights. 打开安静的音乐,将光线调暗。
- I get up early so that I can do some exercises. 我早起为的是能锻炼一下身体。
- Angela did some uninterrupted reading. 安琪拉不停地看了些书。
- I have to do some think before making a decision. 我得先思考一下,然后才好作决定。
- Get off your backside and do some work! 别老坐著,干点儿实事!
- Don't just maunder about: do some work! 别光闲荡了,做点正经事吧!
- Get off your butts and do some work! 别老坐著,干点正经事!
- Stop fiddling (about) and do some work. 别再瞎混了,做点事吧。