- do plenty of plinking 进行大量的任意目标的射击
- Millie's father makes her do plenty of exercises. 米丽的父亲每天让她做很多练习。
- Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. 不要让火灭了,有的是木柴。
- A good way to reduce your nervousness is to do plenty of research before the speech and to write down some of the main ideas that you will talk about. 减轻紧张的一个好的方法就是在发表演讲前做大量的调研工作,并把你要讲的中心写下来。
- Don't hurry; there's plenty of time. 别忙,有的是时间。
- Don't worry about it, we still have plenty of money. 不要为它担心,我们还有很多钱呢。
- Dont get me wrong, done plenty of parades, but this looks like 3000 energizer bunnies doing what the wee program tells them to do. 有没有搞错,做过一些阅兵,但是这个看上去像三千只劲量兔子在按小程序所说来执行。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。
- Do not break your neck on the work; You have plenty of time. 你不用那麽拼命地工作; 有的是时间。
- In this paper the author has done plenty of research work on demodulation technology, which is back grounded 150 Mbps satellite data transmission. 本论文以150Mbps卫星通信数传为课题背景,对解调技术进行了深入的研究。
- Not surprisingly, Mr Bush did plenty of crowing: “There is one undisputed leader in the world in terms of economy, and that's the USA. 怪不得布什吹嘘起来毫无保留。“就经济而言,全世界有一个无可争议的领跑者,那就是美国。”
- Although he does plenty of housework, 'to me it's not the dishes, laundry, vacuuming (or Viagra) that matters,' he writes. 他说,分担家务事反映了我愿意将妻子的需求和想法视为我自己的。
- Having danced a few youthful numbers with an eating disorder, I've done plenty of fasting, as well as my share of uncontrollable bingeing. 我已经做了许多次节食、以及没有节制的饮食。
- I padded out my answer with plenty of quotations. 我用了大量引文把答案拉长。
- As I had plenty of money I was able to help her. 我钱很宽裕,能帮助她。
- I won the race with plenty of time in hand. 我是在节省了很多时间的情况下赢得这场比赛的。
- Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people. 大量的钱财往往使人显露出最坏的本质。
- There is plenty of work to be done in the garden. 园子里有许多事要做。
- This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地。