- He could do nothing but stand and wonder. 他只得惊奇地站著不动。
- You can do nothing but let matters run their course. 你无能为力,只能听其自然。
- You can do nothing but let matters take their course. 你无能为力,只能听其自然。
- He did nothing but piddle away the time. 他不做事,只是混日子。
- I can do nothing but accept your decision. 我只好接受你的决定。
- He could do nothing but go sadly back to bed. 他只好垂头丧气地回家睡觉。
- All day he did nothing but contemplated. 他整天什么也没干,一个劲儿地在冥思苦想。
- She could do nothing but spout insults. 她只会没完没了地骂人。
- Can you do nothing but sell the wedding ring? 难道你非得把结婚戒指卖掉吗?
- The passengers could do nothing but wait. 旅客们只好等待。
- We can do nothing but ask you for help. 我们只得请你帮忙了。
- We can do nothing but chance it. 我们只有碰碰运气了。
- We can do nothing but fight to the end. 我们只有奋战到底。
- We can do nothing but obey the order. 我们只能听从命令。
- They could do nothing but fight. 除了战斗他们别无选择。
- We could do nothing but walk slowly in the storm. 除了慢慢走,我们什么也不能做。
- We do nothing but give you confidence and courage. 我们什么也没做,只是给了你信心和勇气。
- They were so tired they could do nothing but yawn. 他们如此疲劳以至于什么也不能做,只有打哈欠。
- The enemy could do nothing but lay down their arms. 敌人只能放下武器。
- He could do nothing but wait there silently. 除静静地等待,他别无选择。