- They decide things by agreement among themselves. 他们之间通过协议来决定事务。
- divorce by agreement [法] 协议离婚
- By agreement, this is the point where a new day begins. 根据协议,这是新一天开始的地方。
- A listed company may be purchased by offer or by agreement. 第七十八条上市公司收购可以采取要约收购或者协议收购的方式。
- Outline Agreements by Agreement No. 根据协议号的框架协议。
- An arbitration commission shall be selected by the parties by agreement. 仲裁委员会应当由当事人协议选定。
- To the U.S. By Agreement on Trusteeship of the Archipelago Entrusted by Japan. 关于托管前日本委任统治岛屿的协定。
- By agreement small things grow; by discord great things go to pieces. 合则小事能成,不合则大事必毁。
- Inter-member country use of SDR's may be by agreement or by designation. 会员国之间使用特别提款权可采用协议或指定的办法。
- I was surprised to hear that Johnson had been divorced by his wife on the grounds of adultery. I thought he always kept to the straight and narrow. 听到约翰逊因通奸而被其妻子离弃,我大吃一惊。我原以为他一向过着来淡而正派的生活呢。
- Other objections are also generally settled by agreement between the taxpayers and assessors concerned. 至于其他反对个案,亦多数由纳税人与评税主任达成协议而了结。
- Rumors are circulating that Kevin Federline is holding Britney Spears to ransom over their divorce by threatening to sell a video tape of them having sex. 关于小甜甜布兰妮的离婚事件最近又谣言四起。即将离任的凯文·德林要求布兰妮支付离婚赔偿,还要挟要出售二人的性爱录像带。
- A temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice. 停战通过敌对双方的协议所达成的敌对行为的暂时停止或中止;停战
- The stud may be sued for divorce by his wife and cheated on by his mistress, but the nympho may be in even more trouble if she trusts someone who is actually a murderous lunatic. 故事讲述佩佩(艾蒂)、菲菲(邵音音)均发现丈夫有外遇,菲从此玩世不恭,索性供养小白脸作玩弄。
- If joint liability is specified by law or by agreement, the parties shall assume joint liability. 依照法律的规定或者协议的约定负连带责任的,承担连带责任。
- Termination by Agreement; Termination Right The parties may terminate a contract if they have so agreed. 第九十三条当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。
- Marriage relief from being divorced by man power to divorcing freely. 婚姻解除由夫权离婚主义走向自由离婚主义。
- The relation of principal and agent is ordinarily created by agreement of the parties. 委托人和代理人的关系一般是通过双方的协议产生的。
- Actually, the terms of the investment can only be changed by agreement between you and the bank. 实际上,投资条款只有在您和银行之间达成协议才可以变动。
- She filed a petition for divorce. 她提出了离婚申请。