- Damages may be awarded to a complainant on complaint to the county court. 如果原告向地方法院提起上诉,就有可能获得损失赔偿费用。
- He has been named a defendant in Solano County Court, San Francisco. 但是他却在旧金山萨洛诺郡法庭成了被告。
- In county courts costs are in the discretion of the court. 在郡法院诉讼费由法院决定。
- County courts are primarily civil law courts. 郡法庭主要是民事法庭。
- He was tried by a county court in October, and convicted of illegally accepting $1.6m in deposits from local residents. 10月在县法庭开庭审理,指控他的罪名是在当地非法集资1百60万美元。
- Old County Court House used present day for the Middlesex County Municipality Buildings. 好啊米德尔塞克斯郡县法院图片 Ole Middlesex County Court hou.
- It happened at a rape trial in Snaresbrook(U.K.) county court on an unusually warm and sultry day. 在一个极端闷热的天气里,英国史耐尔布鲁克县的法庭上,正在审理着一起强奸案。
- The civil division hears appeal from the county court and the high court; the criminal division hears appeal from the crown court. 民事上诉庭审理来自郡法庭和高等法院的上诉;刑事上诉庭受理来自巡回刑事法院的上诉。
- The county courts of England (replaced in 1971 by crown courts). 英格兰的郡庭(在1971年被皇室法庭代替)。
- She appealed to the Butler County Court of Common Pleas, where Judge John H Brydon upheld her conviction but reduced the fine to US$25. 特洛伊向巴勒郡民事诉讼法庭提出上诉,最后伯瑞敦法官亦维持原判,但把罚款减至25 美元。
- The track leaseholder, Simon Gillett, is being sued by the owner of the site for unpaid rent. They will meet at Derby County Court on June 8. 赛道承租人,西蒙吉列,是被起诉的所有人网站未付房租。他们将会见在德比县法院于6月8日.
- The County Court Interiors support the architectural design objectives and provide light filled atria that reference Melbourne's laneways. 该地方法院的内部格局复合建筑设计的目标,并能提供照亮整个前庭(天井)的灯光,该灯光参照了墨尔本街道的照明效果。
- County Court are primarily civil law courts. The magistrates'court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases. The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court. 郡法院主要是民事法院。治安法庭也审理某些有限类型的民事案件。高等法院就是高级民事法院。
- The factory has paid the damages to the county court, which says it will disperse the money when there's a system for determining who suffered how much damage. 工厂已经向县法院支付了赔偿金。县法院宣称,待每个原告遭受的具体损失可以确定后,就会把钱发放下去。
- The County Court heard Connally was given loans, credit cards and bank accounts where he could deposit dodgy cheques between October 2003 and May last year. 在2003年10月至去年5月之间的一段时间内,被告获得贷款,信用卡和开设银行户口,可以将假的支票存入银行户口。
- Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez and Rafael Guzman-Mateo, ranging in age from 17 to 22, all needed translators when they pleaded guilty at the Luzerne County court. 路易斯.雷耶斯,李嘉图.多明奎斯与拉法叶.古兹曼-马提欧,年龄从17岁至22岁不等,在鲁森郡立法庭认罪时,全都需要翻译。
- The fight over Ted's remains may be handed over for a ruling in Citrus County Court in Florida, though the final decision will be made in general according to his will, which is expected to be read aloud later this week. 有关泰德遗体风波可能将交由佛罗里达州希特里斯郡法院裁决,但大体上会依其遗嘱内容作最后决定,预料这份遗嘱将于本周稍后宣读。
- She filed a petition for divorce. 她提出了离婚申请。
- The civil division hear appeal from the county court and the high court; the criminal division hear appeal from the crown court. from the court of appeal, appeal lie to the house of lord. 民事上诉庭审理来自郡法庭和高等法院的上诉;刑事上诉庭受理来自巡回刑事法院的上诉。
- Outside the Maricopa County court building in downtown Phoenix, trustees, companies that are hired to handle foreclosure auctions, offer as many as 600 or 700 houses every weekday. 在凤凰城中心的马里科帕县法庭大楼外,受托人和受聘处理止赎拍卖的公司每个工作日都会提供至多600或700套房屋供拍卖。