- He will be promoted to division manager. 他要升为部门经理了。
- The division manager had recently heard a lecture on management by objectives. 那位部门经理最近听了一次关于目标管理的课。
- The division managers are regarded as part of the top management team. 分公司经理被认为是高层管理队伍的成员。
- A division manager can design and implement a performance appraisal system. 部门经理可以设计并实施绩效评定系统。
- MDP Program:"Management Development Program",that is through a comprehensive and systematic training program for six months, to make trainee become an excellent Division Manager. 通过全面而系统的6个月的培训课程,使受培训者成为一名优秀的处长级管理人员。
- I remember the hesitation of a division manager to appoint a subordinate to operations manager. 我记得有一个分部的经理曾经为选用一个部属的主管而迟疑不决。
- The division manages two government explosives depots: one on Lantau Island and the other at Piper's Hill,Sha Tin. 矿务及石矿部管理两个储存进口爆炸品的政府仓库,两个仓库分别位于大屿山及沙田琵琶山。
- In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager. 以后招募新员工将属于部门经理的职责。
- Career OpportunitiesFood and beverage manager, rooms division manager, operations manager, hospitality manager. 工作机会:食品或饮品经理、寓所区域经理、操作经理、酒店经理。
- The division manages two government explosives depots: one on Lantau Island and the other at Piper's Hill, Sha Tin. 矿务及石矿部管理两个储存进口爆炸品的政府仓库。 两个仓库分别位于大屿山及沙田琵琶山。
- Besting its strong U.S. performance, Ford's Canadian division managed a healthy 23.8 percent boost in June sales. 打败美国的强势表现,福特的加拿大分部管理健康百分之二十三点八推动在6月的销售。
- MDP Program:“ Management Development Program”, that is through a comprehensive and systematic training program for six months, to make trainee become an excellent Division Manager. 通过全面而系统的6个月的培训课程,使受培训者成为一名优秀的处长级管理人员。
- Benny Rosenbaum, former Division Manager and VP Business Development of Magic Software, has recently joined the company as CEO. Benny Rosenbaum,原Magic软件部门经理及商务开发副总裁,最近加入LingoCom并担任最高执行责任者。
- The allocation of responsibility is from the section manager to the department manager and then to the division manager. 责任的分配是从科室经理到部门经理,然后到分公司经理。
- Zhejiang Mobile unit division management system 浙江移动片区划管理系统
- After 23 August 1944, the 101st and 102nd Mountain Brigades and the 4th Mountain Division managed to escape capture by the Soviets. 1944年8月23日后,第101和102山地旅以及第4山地师都逃过了苏联的俘虏。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- Moving up the organization chart, we find those division managers in charge of both plants managers and district sales managers have responsibility for profits. 移动组织图,我们发现既控制车间经理又控制地区销售经理的分部经理对利润负责。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- Given the poor market conditions in the toys sector, the motors division managed to achieve a slight increase in turnover to HK 179,446,000 and a segment profit of HK 43,946,000. 虽然玩具业的市况不佳,摩打部门的营业额轻微增长至179,446,000港元。分类盈利为43,946,000港元。