- He was simply not overwhelmed by the isness of life, nor did he accept the facts of his world as divinely ordained. 他没有接受生活现实就是这个样子,也不接受自己的世界是上天早就安排好了的。
- Divinely ordained, he was an untouchable figure.His subjects could not write his name or speak to him directly. 此后,还有隋唐之交的刘黑闼,唐末的刘知远、刘崇、刘隐等等也都有复汉的事迹,但顶多也只是传个一两代的割据政权。
- My holy, My divinely ordained Revelation may be likened unto an ocean in whose depths are concealed innumerable pearls of great price, of surpassing luster. 我神圣而庄严地颁布的启示好比大洋,其深处隐藏着无数的珍珠,贵重无比,光彩夺目。
- Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the church to fulfill its divinely ordained functions. 这些恩赐是由圣灵按著祂自己的意思分赐给各教友,供给了教会为完成上帝指定任务所需的一切能力与职事。
- "the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained" (Suzanne LaFollette) “把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势”(苏珊·拉福莱特)。
- He was ordained priest last year. 去年授予他司铎一职。
- the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(Suzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at convert 把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(苏珊 拉福莱特)参见
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(bSuzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at bconvert 把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(b苏珊 拉福莱特)参见
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- Fate had ordained that he should die in poverty. 命中注定他得死于贫困。
- They ceded territory to a neighboring state. 他们把领土割让给邻国。
- The judge ordained that he should pay the debts. 法院判决由他偿还债务。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?
- Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit. 到处悬挂旗帜以庆祝这次国事访问。
- State the fact in witness of his guilt. 叙述事实以证明的他的罪状。
- Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear. 两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。
- The house has fallen into a state of neglect. 这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。