- dividend distribution plan 股利分配方案
- The distribution plan is up to the boss himself,I think. 我想销售方案应该由老板来定。
- The distribution plan is up to the boss himself, I think. 销售方案应该由老板来定。
- It has been proved that 14, dividend distribution is an effective way to reduce ransom and increase purchase. 实证分析表明14,分红,都有助于基金积极申购降低赎回。
- Second part Analyses the behavior current situation of dividend distribution, and the market reacts. 第二部分分析我国上市公司股利分配行为现状,及市场反应。
- Therefore, reforming and perfecting corporate governing structure, accounting system and auditing system is the key to regulating their dividend distribution policy. 因此,改革和完善公司治理结构、会计制度、审计制度是规范上市公司股利分配政策的关键。
- Prohibiting the dividend distribution; and other enforcement actions that the China Banking Regulatory Commission deems necessary. 禁止分红。中国银行业监督管理委员会认为必要的其他措施。
- While for the bond funds, there is no expectation after dividend distribution, which usually only has effect to the ransom of the current term. 而偏债型基金来说,分红后投资者缺乏再次分红预期,分红一般只对当期的申购赎回有较强影响。
- I'd like to negotiate about the distributional plan with you. 我愿意与你协商一下分配方案。
- The Bank Board of Directors has considered every 10 shares through the cash dividend distribution of 2 yuan (including tax) distribution of profits. 该行董事会已审议通过每10股派发现金红利2元(含税)的利润分配方案。
- CITIC stability of the two-lee-bond securities investment funds in 2008 Fourth dividend announcement for every 10 shares of the Fund dividend distribution of 0.50 yuan. 中信稳定双利债券型证券投资基金2008年第四次分红公告,每10份基金份额分配红利0.;50元。
- That is because dividend distribution can convert the increase of the fund to the real revenue of investment and thus reduce investors’ impulse to ransom. 这是因为分红能使基金的净值增长转化为投资者的真正收益,减少投资者的赎回冲动。
- Manage and coordinate shipment and distribution by third-party logistics company, as well as instruct its shipment and distribution plan. 管理、协调第三方物流公司的运输及配送,并对其运输、配送的方案进行指导;
- Responsible for insulin FG distribution according to the distribution plan, and ensure dispatched on time, on right quantity and right receiver. 按照发货计划负责胰岛素成品的备货和发货,确保及时发货,数量正确和收货人正确;
- We find that share percent of top 5 shareholders, control ability (or combined control ability) and balance degree (or combined balance degree) of bloekholders have important influence on tunneling of cash dividend distribution. 研究显示,前五大股东的持股比例、大股东控制力(或联合控制力)、大股东制衡度(或联合制衡度)对派发现金股利的“隧道效应”存在重要影响。
- Finally, it combines programming of the second line of Xi"an rail transit lines to produce its reasonable station distribution plan, to exposit application of this method. 最后,结合西安市地铁二号线的规划情况给出合理的站点分布方案,阐述了该方法的具体应用。
- Great Wall Fund Management Co., Ltd. announced on the Great Wall Jiufu core growth-stock portfolio investment fund (LOF) notice of dividend per share of 10 fund dividend distribution of 0.1 yuan. 长城基金管理有限公司公布关于长城久富核心成长股票型证券投资基金(LOF)分红的公告,每10份基金份额分配红利0.;1元。
- And maybe the dividend distributing system and the remedy system for the deadlock are the directest systems correlative to the shareholder interest protection. 与股东预期利益保护最直接相关的制度是利润分配制度和公司僵局的救济制度。
- The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. 公司在年底宣布分发高额股息。
- The distribution plan for the bankruptcy property shall be proposed by the liquidation team, adopted by the creditors meeting and submitted to the people's court for judgment before implementation. 第三十七条清算组提出破产财产分配方案,经债权人会议讨论通过,报请人民法院裁定后执行。