- divided lid nevi 睑分裂痣
- He pressed the knob and the lid flew open. 他揿了揿按钮,盖子就猛地弹开了。
- She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt. 她掀起锅盖加点盐。
- The lid of this jam pot won't unscrew. 这果酱罐的盖子拧不开。
- It took a bit of pressure to make the lid close. 要稍按一下才能把盖子盖紧。
- He snapped down the lid of the box. 他砰的一声把箱子盖合上了。
- The investigator will be divided into three groups. 所有的调查员将被分为三个小组。
- She gave the lid a few gentle taps to loosen it. 她把盖子轻拍了几下使它松动。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- Does this lid screw on, or does one press it down? 这个盖子是拧的还是按的?
- I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open. 我朝盖子猛一击,就把它打开了。
- The new law will put a lid on government spending. 新法律将限制政府开支。
- A city divided against itself can't stand. 一个内部分裂的城市不能长久存在。
- The lid was so tight that I couldn't open the box. 盖太紧了,我打不开盒子。
- He divided his time evenly between work and play. 他把时间一半花在工作上,一半用于娱乐。
- They took the lid off a nasty scandal. 他们揭露了一件骯脏的丑闻。
- She divided the food into four equal shares. 她把食物分成相同的四份。
- Rats gnawed off the lid of the box. 老鼠咬开了盒盖。
- Opinion is divided on the issue of taxes. 关於税捐问题,大家意见分歧。
- The class is divided in opinion. 整个班级意见有分歧。