- divertable water quantity 可调水量
- Upstream landowners could not divert water to irrigate fields, to use in mining or industry, or for any other use in which the quality or quantity of the down stream supply would be reduced. 同时,不允许和河岸土地所有权者把河水改道供自己的家庭所用,上游的河岸土地所有者也不能把水改道用于灌溉田地,开矿或工业生产中,以及可能降低下游水质量或数量的其他使用。
- Feasibility studies will be made if there is a need to divert water from Lancang and Nujiang rivers in the future. 大西线南水北调只是设想,将来需要从澜沧江、怒江等调水时,另做可行性报告。
- Divert water from the neighboring Kaidu-Kenqi watershed into the Tarim lower reaches. 由开都-孔雀河流送水往塔里木河下游。
- The solid is not stained with belt easily to flake, and reduce the cleaning water quantity. 污泥不粘滤布,易于剥落,可减少清洗水用量。
- Unfortunately, it would also divert water from the region's huge, swampy wildlife refuges, home to black bearsalligatorsthe pallid sturgeon. 可不幸的是,这一工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。
- In order to determine and measure the water quantity in oil crude Liebherr has developed a sensor unit. 为了确定和测量原油中的水含量,利勃海尔开发了传感器。
- Unfortunately, it would also divert water from the region's huge, swampy wildlife refuges, home to black bears and alligators and the pallid sturgeon. 可不幸的是,这一工程同样会排走当地野生物保护区庞大的沼泽地里(黑熊、鳄鱼和白鲟鱼栖息处)的水。像克拉林顿和布林克利这样的沼泽小城都是黑黢黢的,穷得叮当响。
- The government is planning to invest billions in a system of canals, pipelines and aqueducts to divert water from the soggy south to the parched north. 政府正在计划投资几十亿建一个由水渠、水管和高架水道购成的系统,将水从潮湿的南方转移到干旱的北方。
- Especially fleshy qualitative bine, leaf kind flowers, should control more water quantity. 尤其是肉质茎、叶类花卉,更应控制浇水量。
- Conclusion:The canine tooth A exploding apparatus and the water quantity of 5% is the best way to manufacture t... 结论:A式犬齿爆裂装置加水5%25的工艺为制备单层薄层珍珠层粉的最佳工艺。
- The water quantity simulated result is accordant with the actual situation of the Zhangweinan Basin. 该模型对于漳卫南流域水量模拟与实际比较一致。
- Rural water supply from plain reservoirs has advantage of water quality, water quantity and convenience. 平原水库集中供水实现村村通自来水,具有水质、水量、使用方便的优越性;
- The model,flow quantity and efficiency are discussed in diverting water to improve the water environment of Guangzhou City.Finally,some opinions and advices are presented. 对广州城区河涌引水净污的必要性、引水模式、流量、净污效益等进行了探讨,对河涌引水净污的实施提出了几点建议。
- It is an economical and effective way to divert water from water-affluent area to water shortage area by water diversion structure, which plays an important role in the world. 利用输水建筑物把水从富水地区送往贫水地区是满足用水需求的一种经济有效的方法,并在世界各地得到了广泛的应用。
- For example, cities in the arid north are investing in costly desalination projects, and massive canals to divert water form Yangtze River to the north. 例如,干旱的华北地区城市都在投资成本高昂的海水淡化工程,以及向北方抽调长江水的南水北调工程。
- Article 25 The authority-in-charge may reassign water quantity in use according to the prevailing usage when joint owners of a water right have a dispute over the quantity in use. 第25条(共同取得水权之重行划定)共同取得之水权,因用水量发生争执时,主管机关得依用水现状重行划定之。
- The flow sensor made the leaf wheel change the pulse signal,the computer use the pulse number to record the heat water quantity. 流量传感器将叶轮转动信号转换成电脉信号,计算机通过记录脉冲数实现对流过的高温水进行累计测量;
- The total water quantity of the earth is about 13.86 hundreds of millions km3, the ocean salt water is 94% , and the fresh wa ter is 6% . 地球总水量约为13.;86亿km3;海洋咸水约占总水量的94%25;淡水约占总水量的6%25。
- Ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields. 一条沟渠把水从河里引向田间。