- ClustalW is a general purpose multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. It produces biologically meaningful multiple sequence alignments of divergent sequences. ClustalW是适用于DNA或蛋白质的一般性目的多序列排列比对。在不同的序列上,它可产生有生物意义的多序列比对。
- Conotoxins are small, disulfide-rich peptides (10-40aa) derived from the venom of snail conus, with divergent sequences and different specific biological activity. 芋螺毒素(conotoxins)属于一类海洋生物活性多肽,多数由10-40 个氨基酸组成,具有分子量小、结构稳定、序列超变异、作用靶点广泛、功能专一、组织特异性强等优点。
- If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent. 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- She made a sequence of dance movements. 她做了一个连续的舞蹈动作。
- Put the mixed historical facts in sequence. 将混淆的历史事件按顺序排列。
- We will deal with events in historical sequence. 我们将按照历史上的先后顺序研究这些事件。
- Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests. 农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。
- He described the events of that day in sequence. 他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。
- The twelfth in a set or sequence. 第十二个在一套或一系列中的第十二个
- Could we run that sequence through again? 咱们再把那一段重放一遍好吗?
- divergent sequence 发散序列
- properly divergent sequence 正常发散序列
- A divergent section of a river, especially near the mouth. 河流分支河流的分岔部分,特别是近河口地区
- A sequence of murders had prompted the police to actions. 一连串的谋杀迫使警方不得不采取行动。
- We're ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence). 我们已经准备好拍摄(舞厅的连续镜头).
- Please keep the cards in sequence; don't mix them up. 请把这些卡片按次序放好,别把它们搅乱了。
- An instruction sequence in programmed instruction. 指令程序编排指令中的指令次序
- Please keep the numbered cards in sequence; don't mix them up. 请保持编码的卡片顺序,不要把他弄乱了。
- The facts stated by the two parties were widely divergent. 当事双方所陈述的事实大相径庭。