- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他给我们看了4位精神失常姑娘的病历。
- He was disturbed about the rumor. 他为谣言所困扰。
- He is at an absorbing thriller and can't be disturbed. 他正在阅读一部引人入胜的惊险小说,什么也惊动不了他。
- Don't disturb the paper on my desk. 别乱动我桌上的文件。
- Don't disturb her. She is learning her lessons. 不要打扰她,她在做功课。
- But the code does not disturb the profits. 但这种审查法规既不影响影片的利润。
- We were disturbed by the hubbub from the outside. 外面的吵闹声打扰了我们。
- No sound disturbed the silence of the evening. 入夜时分,万籁俱寂。
- Refit the conference room have disturbed the office routine. 重新装修会议室,打乱了办公室的日常工作。
- I didn't like (ie felt reluctant) to disturb you. 我本不想打搅你。
- Don't disturb him----he has flaked out. 别惊动他,他睡着了。
- Sorry to disturb you, but this problem won't keep. 对不起,打扰你了,可是这个问题急待处理。
- Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees. 别摇晃瓶子,要不沉淀就都搅起来了。
- He disconnected the phone so as not to be disturbed. 他为了不受打扰,把电话线路关掉了。
- Screen off her bed and make sure she's not disturbed. 将她的床用屏风隔开,以确保她不受任何干扰。
- She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident. 她听到你在事故中受了伤感到不安。
- He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn't be disturbed. 他不把电话听筒挂上,以免受到打扰。
- They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them. 他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。
- He told us to keep quiet for fear that we might disturb others. 他让我们保持安静,以免打扰别人。
- A light wind disturbed the surface of the pond. 微风使池塘水面泛起涟漪。