- distinctive traits of TCM 中医药特色
- A person as the embodiment of distinctive traits of mind and behavior. 人物作为思想和行为出色特征化身的人
- The most distinct traits of ownership structure of listed firms in China are complexity, liquidity and concentricity, which result in large shareholders" abuse of ownership. 中国上市公司股权构成的最大特点是具有复杂性、流动性和集中性,并因此导致大股东滥用股权。
- Research on traits of SARS syndrome of TCM SARS的中医证候学特点研究
- The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
- a person as the embodiment of distinctive traits of mind and behavior 作为思想和行为出色特征化身的人
- Roughly speaking, there are two common ways of TCM. 大体说来,中医有两种治疗方式:药物治疗和非药物治疗。
- The concept of the whole is the basis of TCM. 中医的基础是一种整体观念。
- We should strive for the modernizations of TCM. 应该为实现中医现代化而努力。
- The priest preach a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
- Traits of the best call centers. 最佳呼叫中心的特性。
- Wholism is one of the characteristics of TCM. 整体观是中医学的特色之一。
- What Are the Traits of Successful Leaders? 成功的领导有什么特点?
- The primary traits of a comprador are: 1. 买办的基本特点,一是依赖洋人,二是没有骨气。
- Leonado da Vinci had the traits of genius. 莱昂纳多.;达芬奇有天才的特点。
- The traits of the druid class are above. 这个特点对于德鲁伊来说是优秀的。
- What are the traits of His church? 问:基督教会的特征是什么?
- As such, Carpolestes provides the first fossil evidence that primates acquired their distinctive traits piecemeal. 因此,盗果兽提供了第一个化石证据,证明灵长类动物系逐步发展出牠们独有的特性。
- The trait of great self-denial . 极其严格的自我约束。
- Thereout, the method of quality control (QC) of TCM was educed. 由此引申至中药质量标准体系的建立方案及方法。