- distiller rs wort 发酵醪, 酿酒麦芽汁
- potato distiller rs bried residue 马铃薯干酒糟
- brewer rs wort 啤酒麦芽汁
- The distiller has aged all his whisky for more than ten years. 制酒师把全部威士忌酒存放了十多年。
- common st-John rs wort 黑点叶金丝桃
- distiller rs dried grain (干)酒糟
- corn distiller rs dried grain 干玉米粒
- The liquid fraction is known as 'wort'. 这种液态部分即麦芽汁
- Dieter schreibt im Diktat das Wort Tiger klein. 迪特尔在听写时把“老虎”一词小写了。
- dry distiller rs soluble 烧酒糟残液干燥物
- Koennen Sie das Wort buchstabieren? 您可以告诉我这个词怎麽拼写吗?
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Du schreibst jetzt das Wort in das Buch. 你现在把单词写进书里。
- distiller rs product 烧酒副产品
- You can distil fresh water from the sea. 你可以用蒸馏法从海水中提取淡水。
- distiller rs yeast 酒曲; 酿酒酵母
- distiller rs soluble 烧酒糟残液
- distiller rs solubles 酒糟
- distiller rs grain (干)酒糟
- The writer managed to distil his ideas into one succinct article. 作家努力把他的想法浓缩成一篇简练的文章。