- The red flowers in the distant mountain! Kapok? 前方远山上火红的花朵是木棉吗?
- The smoky haze overcast the distant mountains. 烟雾笼罩着远处的群山。
- The child was brought up in a distant mountain village. 这孩子是在一个偏远的山村长大的。
- The child was brought out in a distant mountain village. 这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。
- Mountain distant mountain behind the stone, accumulate with garrulous pen black law order chapped and succeed, simple and honest , remote. 山石后面的远山,用碎笔积墨法点皴而成,浑厚、悠远。
- Looking at the distant mountain from here, one can see a stretch of vivid green. 站在这里向远山看去,是一片滴翠的绿色。
- High and distant mountains stretch boundlessly far away? 山高山远?
- Then Gemini can wave that magic wand, take flight with you, and show you those distant mountain heights where the air is clear. 双子魔术棒一挥,然后,把飞行与你山高地远,显示你是那里的空气是清楚的。
- It takes in the dried-up soil, the prickly pear, the palm tree and the distant mountain, but it always misses the peasant hoeing at his patch. 那里有干燥的土壤、长满针刺的洋梨树、棕榈树和遥远的山脉,唯独缺少种地的农民。
- I like to stand here and look down the whole city,so I can see the dorm on the distant mountain clearly,since you are there! 我喜欢站在这里鸟瞰整个城市,这样我可以很清楚的看到远方山上的宿舍!因为,那里有你!
- After spotting a distress signal in a distant mountain range, the team decides to commence a search and rescue mission into the hills. 军团从这个遥远的山区,先作了一些请求支援的动作,没有得到回应,他们便决定自己出发去找寻营救这些到离奇失踪的科学家们。
- Indeed, by standing on tiptoe I could catch a glimpse of some of the peaks of the still bluer and more distant mountain ranges in the northwest, those true-blue coins from heaven's own mint, and also of some portion of the village. 真的,踮起了足尖来,我可以望见西北角上更远、更蓝的山脉,这种蓝颜色是天空的染料制造厂中最真实的出品,我还可以望见村镇的一角。
- Flute Music of the Silken Sea (music by Wu Shaoxiong and Lin Rongyuan), Senjidema (music by Wang Zhulin and others), The King of Southern Yue (music by Shi Fu) and Flowers on the Distant Mountain (music by Peng Tao). 《丝海箫音》(吴少雄、林荣元曲)、《森吉德玛》(王竹林等曲)、《南越王》(石夫曲)、《远山的花朵》(彭涛曲)等,都是获"全国文华音乐创作奖"的作品。
- Shen would like a long time in the self-world, open the gates of memory, meditation romantic romantic and beautiful, from the distant mountain of bloom purple Yamahana sniff out fragrance. 就想长时间沉在自我的世界里,打开记忆的闸门,冥想风花雪月的浪漫与美好,从遥远的满山盛开的紫色山花中嗅出芬芳。
- The profile of the distant mountains are fading away as we are boating eastwards. 当我们朝东划去时,远山的轮廓正渐渐淡去。
- Mongolia and Russia as a rumor that the biological ape man in the distant mountains circled Many people might say yes neanderthalensis relics. 蒙古和俄罗斯都谣传有猿人般的生物在遥远的山区盘旋,许多人都说可能是尼安德塔人的遗迹。
- The flock of egrets scattering in the distant mountains and the flowing streams arouses thoughts of nostalgia. 它们的翩翩身影点缀在青山绿水之间,构成了乡思无限的画面。
- Over the trees appear some distant mountains, but merely in a sketchy silhouette. 树梢上隐隐约约的是一带远山,只有些大意罢了。
- Yanshan Mountains. Among the distant mountains, we appreciate every attractive part all over Tianjin. 燕山山脉。连绵的高山间,我们欣赏津沽大地每一个动人的角度。
- Your drawing would look better if you were to ink in the area to the left of the mill,perhaps with some bushes or distant mountains. 你要是在画上磨坊左边的空白处添上一些小树或远山等,那就更好看了。