- Blowed all that distance and not getting hurt. 给风卷走那么远也没受伤。
- We paced off the distance and found it to be 90 paces. 我们用步测量一下距离,发现有90步长。
- We paced off the distance and found it to be 200 meters. 我们用步子量了一下这段距离,发现是 200 米。
- You can see the river in the near distance and the mountain beyond. 从这里可以看到近处的河及远处的山。
- He misjudged the distance and his ball landed in the lake. 他对距离判断错误,球落到了湖里。
- Has gone into the distance and the ichthyolite emerges. 你我都远了乃有了鱼化石。
- B: No, I can walk.It's only a short distance and it's a nice day. 没事的,我可以走路回去。不是很远,而且天气很好。
- We paced off the distance and found it to be 60 yards. 我们用步量了这段距离, 发现它有60码。
- But fandom does more than defeat distance and geography. 但迷恋足球不仅仅是不分距离和地理位置的。
- It was like a game of checkers played at a distance and in silence. 这好象是远远地无声地在下着一局棋。
- The maximum distance and the “up” direction is configurable. 的最大距离和“向上”的方向是可配置的。
- Age-old barriers of distance and time were being swept aside. 距离和时间这些古老的障碍不会被予以考虑。
- He gazed into the distance and seemed lost in thought. 他凝视着远方,若有所思的样子。
- In Figure 5, A is the resistance, L the distance and C the effort. 图5中,A是阻力,l是距离,G是作用力。
- Because the redshift measures the receding speed, the constant of proportionality between distance and velocity, the Hubble constant, can be calculated. 自1989年以来,天文学家已经确认五个多重类星体系统中有微透镜现象。
- Rays of light emitted by distant supernovae travel through a multitude of these small voids before reaching us, and the variations in the expansion rate tweak their brightness and redshift. 遥远超新星发出的光线经过众多这样的小空洞然后到达我们,不同的膨胀率导致了亮度和红移的偏差。
- But the sea still shone in the distance and the ship was plainly discernible. 可是,远处仍旧是一片光辉的大海,那条船仍然清晰可见。
- Distances and widths that appear equal are in fact expertly varied. 距离和宽度看似相等的格局,实则千变万化,巧夺天工。
- We had covered a long distance and all the oil had been oozing away. 我们已经走了很长一段路,油已慢慢耗尽了。
- The speed of light is the natural link between distance and time measurements. 光速是测量距离和测量时间的天然连接线。