- Thirdly this dissertation disserts that the thought of the Society continue to exist at present through analyzing the organization, publications, members and concepts etc. 其次从机构、刊物、人员、遗产观念等方面,表明学社及其成员的遗产保护思想延续至今。
- Chapter two dissertates the organization culture in NPO. 第二章论述了非营利组织中的组织文化。
- What were their thoughts or disserts that made them philosopher? 二、她们有何想法与论述,使其成为一女性思想家?
- No, but it's dissert, and you will like it.Let's go to Mcdonald's. 6岁生日时父母在车上吵架,最后出了车祸,母亲被玻璃割破喉咙,死亡。
- Firstly, the paper dissertates unreasoning prejudice against the Jews. 首先,论述了对犹太人不公正的偏见。
- First,the article dissertates the cause and background of epical following. 新时期诗歌的“史诗”追求首先受制于“文化寻根”思潮的影响,是对“文化寻根”思潮的一种回应;
- Third,the article mainly dissertates the art-style of epical writings. 而杨炼从“生存的焦灼”、“死亡”、“性和生殖:生命的喜悦”三个方面建构了他的“生命存在”的精神主题。
- The dissertation dissertates the principle of resistance comedown of polarization in Michelson interferometer with FRM in detail; 论文详细论述了带法拉第旋转镜(FRM)的Michelson干涉仪抗偏振衰落原理;
- The third part dissertates the needs of promoting Yan'an spirit in building harmonious society. 第三部分主要论述在构建和谐社会中需要弘扬延安精神。
- In the third part, it dissertates the function of esthetic education in Senior Middle School Chinese Teaching. 第三部分语文教学中实施美育的功能探索。
- At last ,the article mainly dissertates the limitation and value of epical writing. 第四部分,主要探讨了新时期“史诗”追求存在的局限和问题,以及它在当代诗歌史上的现实意义和价值。
- In the second part the author mainly disserts the classification of gathered offense. 基于集合犯不以法律规定为限,确定集合犯属于拟制一罪(包括实质一罪和处断一罪),将数行为集合为一罪论处。
- The essay disserts that administrating person is the core of modern printing enterprises management. 本文较为深入地论述了人的管理是现代印刷企业管理的核心。
- The essay disserts that administrating person is the core of modem printing enterprises management. 本文就人的管理是现代印刷企业管理的核心作了较为深入地论述。
- The last part disserts the contemporary significance of Liang"s life aesthetic thought. 第四部分论述了梁启超人生审美化思想的当代意义。
- There were also dozens of noodles, disserts and snacks, as well as fruits and drinks. 鸡鸭鱼肉虾贝,煎炸烹炒凉拌,还有几十种小吃面点,以及多种水果饮料。
- Lastly, it dissertates the significance of Tan Ka-kee’s spirits on the building of a harmonious campus in the new era. 再次,结合时代的特征论述陈嘉庚精神对构建和谐校园的意义。
- During the 20-minute tea break, you can refresh yourselves with coffee and dissert outside the meeting room. 在20分钟的茶歇时间里,你可以去会议室外面用一点咖啡和点心,稍事休息。
- But in his head he was thinking, "Aha, that Cicada, she will make one tasty dissert. 但是他心里想的是,“啊,那是只蝉,他可以成为我饭后可口的小吃。
- First, the paper disserts the theory of supply chain and coorperating partners, which is the basis for constructing the selection model and methold. 首先,本文分析了供应链与供应链合作伙伴理论,以此作为后续供应链伙伴选择模型和方法的背景。