- display concept by form 以形媚道
- God is a concept by which we measure our pain. 上帝是一个概念我们用来衡量自己的痛苦约翰列侬。
- You can change the Server Filter By Form settings to display field values in the list. 可以通过更改“按窗体服务器筛选”设置在列表中显示字段值。
- To unite by forming a joint or joints. 环接通过接和一个或多个关节来连接
- To reproduce asexually by forming a bud. 由无性生殖产生芽
- That is to say, will the new Chinese philosophy cease to confine itself to concept by intuition? 这就是说,新的中国哲学将不再把自己限于“用直觉得到的概念”吗?
- By form of reserve assets:gold standard system, gold exchange standard system, credit standard system. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。
- Tax return show the computation of the company's taxable income, legal concept by tax laws and regulations. 纳税申报单则反映应税收益的计算,是由税法和税则规定的概念。
- In the 20th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism. 在20世纪,文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据。
- The 3 basic types of bridges are all inspired by forms in nature. 桥梁的三种基本类型来自于自然的灵感。
- And then, we point out that in Hayek's theoretical horizon it is not appropriate to regard Right as the basic concept by which proving and protecting liberty. 继而指明在哈耶克的理论视野中,把自由之论证和保障的基础诉诸于权利的做法是不恰当的。
- The hook designers developed new the new hooks shape with brand-new concept by following the tradition hooks art of the nation or referencing which of other country. 摘要设计家们已开始在承袭本民族或借鉴他国民族传统书籍艺术的同时,延展出具有崭新概念的书籍新形态来。
- It is generally believed that Bai Ju-yi classifies his poems into four types: zalu by form and the satiric, the leisure and the sentimental by content. 摘要一般认为,白居易把自己的诗歌分为四类,除杂律以形式为依据以外,讽谕、闲适、感伤三类诗歌均根据内容进行分类。
- Northrop also says lhat there are three possible types of concepts by intuition: "The concept of the differentiated aesthetic continuum. 诺思罗普还说,用直觉得到的概念又有三种可能的类型:“连续审视过程中已区分的概念。
- In the 20th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism, and also by redaction criticism. 在20世纪,文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据和编纂考据。
- GHP assures a complete design concept by practicing the most advance planning and research strategies of local needs for each one of our projects. 我们结合世界最新规划理念,通过对项目的深入调查研究,并融入当地的文化传统,发展出完整的设计概念。
- These reactions can conserve three of every four carbons diverted to glycolate by forming triose. 这些反应能把四分之三的乙醇酸的碳保存在三碳糖中。
- At the end of the blog post, I theorized that you could extend the concept by having dynamic shadows that are repositioned based upon the sun. 结束时的博客帖子,我的理论,您可以扩展这一概念的具有活力的阴影是定位依据的太阳。
- You intend to fill up the cup of disobedience and profligacy by forming a low and disgraceful marriage? 你存心拿玷辱门庭的婚姻来把忤逆和荒淫的杯子注满吗?
- I am much impress by so many new products on display. 这么多的新产品参展,给我印象很深。