- Within a displaced persons camp, build a firebreak (an area with no buildings) 50 m wide approximately every 300 m of building area. 在灾民安置点内,每隔大约300米需要修建一条宽50米的防火道(一个没有任何建筑物的区域)。
- Displaced Congolese children played among makeshift shelters at Kibati internally displaced persons camp, just north of the provincial capital of Goma. 刚果;基巴提:无家可归的孩子们在难民中的临时庇护所内玩耍.
- Her heart ached for the survivors, crammed into Displaced Persons camps, and she wanted to help. 尽管她所有的家人已经来到了美国,她对那些挤在难民营中的幸存者十分同情,希望能够帮助他们。
- Displaced Person Camp 难民收容所
- A displaced mother had her hair groomed as she breast-fed her baby at a camp for displaced persons in Kibati, in eastern Congo. 刚果;基巴提:在流民营里;一名无家可归的妇女正一边给孩子喂奶一边打理头发.
- So, as a displaced person, he and his family traveled to a little town called Orange City, Iowa, a Dutch colony. He took their charity. 他死里逃生,走到一个小镇,爱荷华的橙城,是一个荷兰殖民地,也就是我们家族居住的地方。
- The centers should be run by trained displaced persons. 中心必须有训练过的人运营。
- Skin Infections.Scabies is a common displaced person skin infection, especially for those living in crowded conditions with inadequate water supplies for washing. 皮肤传染病疥螨病(疥癣)是灾民中常见的传染病,特别是在那些居住在人口密集、没有充足水源用于洗涤的环境下的人们。
- Displaced Persons Assembly Center Camp Staffs 难民集中营管理机构人员
- Seen here are displaced persons from camps in Germany, Austria and Italy boarding an IRO-chartered ship on their way to start a new life in the US. 这些来自德国、奥地利和意大利难民营的人登上一艘国际难民组织租来的轮船,前往美国开始新生活。
- UN relief agencies together provide aid and protection to some 25.7 million refugees and displaced persons worldwide. 联合国救济机构总共向世界上2 570万难民和流离失所者提供了援助和保护。
- Meaning: The temporary housing built in a state of emergency for the homeless or displaced persons. 意为在紧急情况下,为无家可归的人们或难民修建的临时居所。
- It will be presuming to camp in a person's yard without permission. 不获允许就在别人的院子里露营是一种放肆的行为。
- In the jargon of international relief agencies, they have become “Internally Displaced Persons”. 用国际救援机构的行话来说,他们已经成为“国内流离失所者”。
- The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups,like children,refugees,displaced persons,minorities,indigenous people and the disabled. 联合国及其机构保护弱势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著居民和残疾人。
- Protracted refugee and displaced person project 持久难民和流离失所者项目
- Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) leave their homes for the same reasons. but the difference is that they remain within their country. IDP因为同样的问题离开他们的家园。但区别是他们仍然还在自己的国家。
- The UN and its agencies protect vulnerable groups, like children, refugees, displaced persons, minorities, indigenous people and the disabled. -- 联合国及其机构保护弱势群体,如儿童、难民、流离失所者、少数民族、土著居民和残疾人。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- After more than forty years of internal armed conflict, Colombia has one of the largest populations of internally displaced persons( IDPs) in the world. 经过40多年的内战,哥伦比亚目前拥有世界上最大数量的国内流离失所人口。