- disperse milling medium group 离散磨介群
- Milled medium to short-grain nonglutinous rice. 用粳稻谷加工制成的大米。
- With minor mill medium, it can get good product fineness reproducibility. The experimental data can be put into large lot manufacture. 使用微小的研磨介质,产品细度再现性好,实验数据可以投入大批量生产。
- The company eventually sold out to a multinational media group. 公司最终卖给了一个跨国传媒集团。
- From Shanghai Culture Broadcasting Media Group, like flute. 来自上海文广传媒集团,爱好长笛。
- Undoubted, this is all personages can lead media group with prideful. 无疑,这是媒体界所有人士都可以引以自傲的。
- A few small, the media of weak force, will consider in order to combine, recombine, the means of annex enters big medium group. 一些小的、弱势的媒体,将考虑以联合、重组、兼并的方式进入大的传媒集团。
- Of these policy drive, will the aircraft carrier of the publication medium enterprise of ecbolic China, can be the same as with the large medium group on international undertake competitive. 这些政策的推动,将会催生中国的出版传媒企业的航空母舰,能够跟国际上大型的传媒集团同场进行竞争。
- His explanation says, because the asset of medium group is " disloyal " , after investor invests, checking what property very hard grow, what asset is operator creation and addition money. 他解释说,因为传媒集团的资产是“不实”的,很难核实哪些资产是投资者投资之后增长的,哪些资产是经营者创造和增加的财富。
- During preparation of glass-infiltrated zirconia composite, powder milling with agate milling media would mingle agate granules with alumina powder and form lacunas in the composite subsequently. 2,在制备玻璃渗透ZrO_2复合材料时,选用玛瑙球磨介质会在Al_2O_3粉体中引入玛瑙碎屑,从而在最终的复合材料中形成缺陷孔。
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- The survey was conducted on behalf of media group Starcom Media Vest at the annual Cannes festival of advertising. 这次调查是受媒体集团Starcom Media vest委托,在年度戛纳广告节期间进行的。
- It is a member of CCW Media Group, the No.1 IT media group in China, and is also one of IDG series publications. 它是中国计算机世界出版服务公司(CCW),国内IT领域排第一的集团,和IDG系列出版物之一。
- Effection of Mill Medium and Agent on Super Smashing 研磨介质和助磨剂对超细粉碎的影响
- It is a member publication of China Computerworld Media Group as well as one of IDG series publications. 它是中国计算机世界出版服务公司(CCW)和IDG系列出版物之一。
- The milling machine was firmly chocked up. 那台铣床用楔子稳固地支垫着。
- Dragon TV, a member of the Shanghai Media Group (SMG), launched My Hero last year, a contest in search of new talent. 上海文广新闻传媒集团旗下的东方卫视去年推出了一档名叫“好男儿”的选秀节目。
- The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. 智者之口传播知识。
- Here we are in the yard of the steel mill. 这儿就是不锈钢厂的料场。
- MIP is part of the Euromoney Legal Media Group , with offices in London, Hong Kong and New York. 管理知识产权,是欧洲货币法律传媒集团的一部分,并在伦敦,香港和纽约设有办公地点。