- The unexpected guest disordered his plans. 这位不速之客打乱了他的计划。
- disordered homicide 精神障碍杀人
- His face was flushed, and his hair disordered. 他满脸通红,头发蓬乱。
- A series of accidents disordered the shop. 一连串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。
- Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide? 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀?
- He felt like a homicide as he raised the gun and pulled the trigger. 他举枪扣动扳机时,感觉自己像个杀人犯。
- The man who in a fit of jealous rage committed a homicide was found guilty. 这个因一时忌妒而杀人的男人被判有罪。
- What country has the highest homicide rate? 哪一国家杀人犯罪率最高?
- The music will settle my disordered brain. 音乐会使我纷乱的思绪得到安定。
- His death is caused by homicide. 他的死因是他杀。
- It sounded just that weird and disordered. 听起来总是那么古里古怪、好象神经有点毛病似的。
- Homicide The killing of one person by another. 杀人:一人把另一杀死。
- A disordered condition; a mess or jumble. 混乱状态无次序的状态; 一团糟或乱七八糟
- It's a homicide committed by a professional killer. 它是一件由职业杀手所犯下的命案。
- He has been charged with homicide. 他被控告杀人。
- You will be charged with homicide. 你将以杀人罪嫌被起诉?
- We couldn't understand her disordered presentation. 我们听不明白她条理不清的陈述。
- She was found guilty of homicide. 她被判杀人罪。
- I dance with the disordered shadow. 我舞影零乱。
- Why should the world have homicide devil? 为什么世界要有杀人恶魔?