- Bruce’s brother Robert is a famous pop star. 布鲁斯的哥哥罗伯特是一个著名的通俗歌星。
- Kayla’s brother and sister are brought to the circus in New York. 楞是到吃完饭没人再讲话。。。
- Before he left, Walter had particularly come to dislike one aspect of the job, one which would return to haunt him almost exactly twenty years later. 在沃特离开之前,他变得特别讨厌这个工作的一个方面。这种讨厌将在20年后又萦绕着他。
- Things really get hot when Nuova s brother, Eis Shenron, joins in the fray! 当四星龙的哥哥三星龙加入打斗时事情更加激烈起来!
- The owner' s brother has been in practical control of the firm for years. 业主的弟弟实际控制该商行已有多年.
- Paul Silas: Fallout with Paxson"s brother Jim in Cleveland doesn"t bode well. 骑士队今年的带罪羊;被Paxson 兄弟JIM在骑士队开除.
- ML's brother Gene was still furious over the local legend that in the War between the state Sherman had marched his troops through this cemetery. 当地有个传说,在内战时期,谢尔曼曾让他的军队行军穿过这个墓地,曼梯·里的兄弟吉恩还在为传说中的事而恼火。
- Al-Drifa’ s brother joined the Alliance forces to carry on a heroic and merciless fight against the Dragons. 艾尔德利法的兄弟参加了联盟军队,开始了反击巨龙的英勇而残酷的战斗。
- The wheelchair program began in 1988 when David’s brother Mark saw a woman crawling along a Guatemalan roadside. 轮椅工程开始于1988年,那一年,大卫的哥哥马克在危地马拉看到一个妇女沿着路边爬行。
- "This judiciary is not just,\" al-Zeidi\'s brother, Dargham, said tearfully after Wednesday\'s verdict was announced. 在本周三判决结果公布后,扎伊迪的哥哥德尔加姆流着眼泪说:“司法官不公正”。
- Joined later by Bryan’s brother Ric, the three run and operate everything at the winery. 后来布莱恩的弟弟里克也加入进来,三人共同经营管理酒窖。
- Fanny Kemblewas the niece of two Shakespearean tragedians, Sarah Siddons and Siddons‘s brother, John Philip Kemble. 注两位莎士比亚悲剧演员莎拉席登斯和她哥哥约翰菲利浦肯布尔的侄女。
- If Arthur were instead Septimus’ s brother( largely spaced in age, but technically possible), he would be related to Sirius only by marriage. 如果亚瑟是西帕提姆斯的弟弟(龄相差很大,但并不是不可能的)那他和西历厄斯之间便只是姻亲。
- There's more, I say. He is looking away from me when I tell him that it is his older son that I love. Vincent' s brother, Joseph. “还有呢。”我说。当我告诉他现在的爱人正是他的大儿子,也就是文森特的哥哥约瑟夫的时候,他正看着别处。
- Tom will play a character named Gary, who is "a friend of the main character’s brother, and is described as being cheeky and crassly funny. 但是有个神秘的东西从倾盆大雨和黑暗中现身,这个东西掌握着一个黑暗的毁灭性的秘密,足以将整个家庭在一夜之间消灭。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- I dislike his arrogant demeanour. 我讨厌他那傲慢的行为。
- I dislike my mother's interfering in the affair. 我不喜欢母亲介入这件事。
- It ends when Nergal, Marduk\'s brother, journeys from south Africa to Babylon and persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia. 马杜克的兄弟,尼格尔来到的时候结束,他从非洲南部而来,劝说马杜克离开美索不达米亚。
- Mary has a strong dislike for the sentimental. 玛丽非常不喜欢多愁善感。