- disjoint minipath 不交最小路
- To disjoint, slice, and serve meat or poultry. 切片把肉或家禽切成片和食用之
- To separate at the joints; disjoint. 使关节断离;不连接
- To disjoint,slice,and serve meat or poultry. 切片把肉或家禽切成片和食用之
- Many artists feel disjoint with the society. 很多艺术家都感到与社会脱节。
- Don't disjoint the confidence they have placed in you. 不要辜负他们对你的信任。
- When poeple saw land, the boat fall into ice and began to disjoint. 当人们看到陆地的时候,船却陷在冰块里并开始解体。
- There are some disjoint intervals in which the machine cannot be available. 假设机器在一些不交的时间区间上不可用。
- Problem: What is the largest number of mutually disjoint subsets from S? 问题:什么是人数最多的相互脱节亚由S ?
- The disjoint collections of code and data reside within explicit boundaries called services. 这些相互无关的代码和数据的集合,驻留在显示的界限中,也就是服务。
- Adds to the collection of highlighted text in a text container that supports multiple, disjoint selections. 添加到突出显示文本集合中,该集合位于支持多个不连续选择的文本容器中。
- The training sets are both larger and partially disjoint from the testing collections. 这些培训消息集比较大,而且有一部分是与测试集不相交的。
- Retrieves a collection of disjoint text ranges associated with the current text selection or selections. 检索与当前文本选择(或多个文本选择)关联的不连续文本范围的集合。
- Limited tests were performed to validate Exchange 2007 on a computer that has a disjoint DNS namespace. 在具有脱节DNS命名空间的计算机上已执行了有限测试来对Exchange 2007进行验证。
- This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design. 这就造成室内设计中普遍存在着光与空间设计相脱节的现象。
- Conclusion Extrusive disjoint fingers should be regarded as an indication of replantative operation. 结论挤压离断伤作为一种再植手术地指征应引起足够地重视。
- Then, the longest path of these disjoint paths is the fault diameter of UQn, where n is even. 然后将所有两节点间的互斥路径寻找出来,其中最长一条路径长度即为损坏直径。
- Each Co-NP-complete problem is the complement of an NP-complete problem.The two sets are either equal or disjoint. 其中一个NP完全问题的例子是子集合加总问题:给一个整数集合,问是否存在某个非空子集中的数字和为0?
- Algorithm DIMCRA can solve link disjoint paths problem with multiple additive constraints well. DIMCRA算法能很好地解决多个加性约束下的链路分离路径问题的算法。
- Creates two or more polygons that are filled using the current polygon-filling mode. The polygons may be disjoint or they may overlap. 创建使用当前多边形填充模式的两个或多个多边形,多边形可以相互分开或叠加。