- disinhibitory psychopathology 抑制解除精神病理学
- Psychopathology is one of the domains of attachment study. 本文介绍了依恋在发展精神病理学领域的研究情况。
- On the importance of the unconscious in psychopathology. 无意识在心理病理学中的重要性。
- The extent of other psychopathology in patients with ESRD is largely unknown. 其他ESRD患者的精神问题大部分仍是未知数。
- A family's psychology and psychopathology engage with its social and economic life. 一个家庭的心理和精神病理与它的社会生活和经济生活密切相关。
- Meanings and political implications of "psychopathology" in a gender identity clinic: a report of 10 cases. 在性别认同诊所中,“精神病理学”的意义及政治含义:一项关于10例患者报道。
- Objective To explore the relationship between symptoms and psychopathology of depression with obsessive symptoms. 目的探讨伴强迫症状抑郁症的症状学特征及其精神病理关系。
- The present study explored the role of cognition in the psychopathology of panic disorder. 本研究旨在验证焦虑敏感度、控制感、及预测感等认知因素在恐慌症的心理病理所扮演的角色。
- Psychiatrists shall not make announcements to the media about presumed psychopathology on any individuals. 精神科医师不能向媒体发表对任何人的精神病理学推测。
- Internet-related delusion, just like internet addiction may represent a novel form of psychopathology. 因此网际网路相关妄想,如同网际网路成瘾,可能渐渐会被接受成为一种新兴的精神病理类型。
- And because those brothers exhibit less psychopathology, they would attract more women and therefore have more kids. 由于这个原因,同性恋的兄弟们的表现往往更为冷静,这会让他们能吸引更多的女性从而获得更多的后代。
- The basic method of Jaspers' psychopathology is phenomenological description, psychological understanding and causal explain. 雅斯贝尔斯精神病理学的基本方法是现象学描述、理学理解和因果说明。
- The psychopathology of self-assessed health: a cognitive approach to health anxiety and hypochondriasis.Cognitive Therapy and Research. 对健康焦虑和疑病状态的认知研究:心理病理学中健康状况的自我评定。
- Jaspers applied the phenomelogical method in the study of psychopathology, formed the phenomelogical direction in the study of psychopathology. 雅斯贝尔斯把现象学方法应用于精神病理学研究,奠定了精神病理学中的现象学研究方向。
- In the area of psychopathology, Bion caused a revolution of how analysists understand the patients in the consulting rooms in a mild way. 在心理病理学方面,拜昂以一种温和的方式在咨询室中引起了一场分析师如何认识患者的革命。
- Many trauma experts (Staab, Foa, Friedman) agree that the psychological outcome of our community as a whole will be resilience, not psychopathology. 恐怖事件让人们感觉到愤怒,失落,无助和恐惧,也激发了人们的复仇心理。
- Here we report a case of BPD which illustrates the interactions among sociocultural factors, psychopathology, and treatment. 我们报告此个案并显示其在社会文化因子、精神病理、及治疗的相关性。
- Alcohol dependence, as well as associated comorbid psychopathology and negative life events, act as distal risk factors for suicidal behavior. 酒依赖和相关的共病精神病理学及负性生活事件一样,充当自杀行为的末端危险因素。
- Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Psychiatric Diagnosis : Special Issue: Psychopathology 2005, Vol. 38, No. 精神病诊断的哲学与方法论基础:特刊:精神病理学2005,第38卷,第4号
- Crowne D.P., Marlowe D.A. (1960), A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology, Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24(4), 349-354. 黄光国、杨国枢(1972);个人现代化程度与社会取向强弱;中央研究院民族学研究所集刊;3();179-92.