- Then, when droughts or outbreaks of diseases and insect pests ravaged crops, famine resulted. 一旦干旱或病虫害暴发,饥荒就随之出现。
- Then,when droughts or outbreaks of diseases and insect pests ravaged crops,famine resulted. 一旦干旱或病虫害暴发,饥荒就随之出现。
- Application of Methane Fermenative Residues in Control of Crop Diseases and Insect pests. 沼气发酵残留物防治农作物病虫害的效果分析。
- The future of bio-control technology of crops diseases and insect pests was prospected. 展望了农作物病虫害生物防治技术的发展前景。
- Proterozoic is feral planting often is to grow in crows, rarely plant diseases and insect pests is invaded. 原生地野生种往往是成群生长,很少有病虫害侵袭。
- Title: Occurrence Rule and Control Measure of Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Liriope spicata(Thunb)Lour. 关键词:湖北麦冬;病虫害;发生规律;防治措施
- Occurrence Rule and Control Measure of Main Diseases and Insect Pests on Liriope spicata(Thunb)Lour. 与相似的文献。
- The paper presented the census results of diseases and insect pests in Torreya grandis in Zhejiang Province. 摘要文章系浙江省近年来香榧病虫害和害虫天敌的调研总结。
- This system has four modules: data management, data pretreatment, plant diseases and insect pests diagnose and forecast, forecasting-modal management. 该系统集成多种诊断和预测方法,由数据管理、析预处理、虫害诊断/测、测模型管理四大功能模块组成。
- Furthermore, the article recounted the effect of plant diseases and insect pests and weeds by the conservation tillage measures. 此外,还叙述了保护性耕作对农田病虫害和杂草的影响。
- El-nino, La-nina and sunspot activity are closely related with the occurrence or prevalence of crop diseases and insect pests. 厄尔尼诺事件、拉尼娜事件以及太阳黑子活动与农作物病虫害的发生或流行存在密切的关系。
- Bark action besides can prevent cold sunstroke prevention to prevent plant diseases and insect pests besides, basically be to carry nourishment. 树皮 从经济价值看,树皮还是一种“宝物”,白白地被丢弃和烧掉是很可惜的。
- In the guidance station, villagers are being lectured by technicians on how to eliminate plant diseases and insect pests. 村民们正在辅导站听技师讲解如何消除病虫害。
- Tan, J-C, Deng, X, Zhang, H-H et al. 1993. Color Atlas of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Prevention of Tea Gardens. Science and Technology Press of Hunan Province, Changsha. 谭济才;邓欣;张汉鹄等;1993.;茶园病虫害防治彩色图册。长沙:湖南科技出版社。
- The text F expatiates that the holistic design, method of information collection anddiagnosis & inquire about Chinese jujube plant diseases and insect pests by Internet. 本文阐述了该子系统的总体设计、知识整理抽取和知识库数据库的建立,实现了枣病虫害网络诊断及网络查询两大功能,同时该系统也可以作为广大枣树科研工作者、大中专院校师生以及农民朋友的“电子书籍”使用。
- Recent research on the familiar fruit diseases and insect pests (listed above) after bagging is summarized so as to lay theoretical basis for non-pollution production of pear. 文章综述了套袋梨主要病虫害的研究现状、发生规律及防治方法,以期为梨果的无公害化生产奠定理论基础。
- The tong-term tune bests of Pinus yunnanensis management lead to bio-diversity decrease, diseases and insect pests damage, genetic degradation, and productivity decline. 摘要长期以来,云南松的纯林经营使得生物多样性降低、林分稳定性变差、遗传品质退化、林分生产力下降,从而导致生态系统功能衰退。
- In the whole growth duration irrigation should be proper,overfull irrigation will cause the plants grow in vain.At the same time plant diseases and insect pests should be ... 整个生育期灌水应适当,不宜过多,以免引起徒长,同时应注意对潜叶蝇和根腐病等病虫害的防治。
- Pesticide has made a great contribu tion on controlling plant diseases and insect pests,however it also contaminated ecological environment and threatened the secu rity of birds. 农药曾经为人类控制生物病虫害作出过巨大贡献,但是农药污染也破坏了生态环境,对野生鸟类的生存造成了严重威胁。
- By explaining the Bougainvillea Maintenance about plant materials,irrigation,nutrition,bloom,plant diseases and insect pests, the writer given some suggestions about it. 介绍了城市天桥绿化栽植的簕杜鹃在基质、水分、营养、花期调控、病虫害防治方面的养护管理方法,为天桥绿化的簕杜鹃养护提出建议。