- This boy has a faculty of making friends easily. 这个男孩有交友的能力。
- His deeds shocked her out of making friends with him. 他的行径使她大为震惊,不想与他交朋友了。
- She has a knack of making friends. 她有一套交朋友的诀窍。
- He has the gift of making friends. 他有交朋友的才能。
- What is the use of making friends with him? 和他交朋友有何用呢?
- He has the gift of making friends easily. 他天生善交朋友。
- What's the use of making friend with him ? 同他交朋友有什么用呢?
- I will get a tick out of making friend with you ! 如果能和你交个朋友真的很高心!
- I reckon I have the gift of making friends with strangers. 我想我有本事同陌生人交朋友。
- Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes. 杰克有一种走到哪里都能交到朋友的本事。
- I've never learnt the trick of making friends easily. 我一向不擅长轻易交上朋友。
- Discussion of the bill was guillotined. 该法案的讨论已被截止。
- The owner is called Mr. Cui. He has lived in Japan for many years and by way of making friends, he opened the bar. 店主人称崔大哥,在日本生活数年,以交朋友的形式在上海开酒吧。
- Confucius used the subject of making friends in cultural teaching and compared liege relationship with friends which has realism and idealism. 孔子将交友主题寓于文化教学中,并将君臣关系与朋友关系相比照,既有现实性又带有强烈的理想化色彩。
- She tends to sheer away from any discussion of her divorce. 一谈到她离婚的事她就尽量转换话题。
- For convenience of intensive study, he has an intense intention of making friend with me. 为便于强化学习,他有和我交朋友的强烈意向。
- I must confess that I do not believe that canceling luncheon engagements is a very good way of making friends and influencing people. 我必须承认,我认为取消约定的午餐并不是个交朋结友、影响他人的好办法。
- The only way of making friends is that yourself should deserve to be called a true friend at first. 交朋友的唯一途径就是:首先你自己是一个值得让人交的朋友。
- In a sense, public relations is the art of making friends with those you even object to talk to. 从某种意义上讲,公共关系是一门和那些你连话都不愿意说的人交朋友的技艺。
- They fell into a lively discussion of the question. 他们热烈地讨论起这个问题来。