- He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
- discus opticus 视神经乳头, 视乳头, 视神经盘
- New problem emerge as they discus further. 随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了出来。
- I see Britain did well in the discus. 我看英国队在铁饼项目中表现不错。
- The tribunal discus the question of redundancy payment. 法庭讨论了对解雇人员的付款问题。
- The problem discus concern every one of us. 所讨论的问题关系到我们每个人。
- Our work plan be go to be discus then. 要讨论我们的工作计划。
- The discus was kind of the clutch event. 掷铁饼可以说是件紧要关头的事儿。
- New problems emerge as they discus further. 随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了出来。
- Our work plan is go to is discus then. 要讨论我们的工作计划。
- The discus seemed to fly forever. 铁饼似乎不断地在飞行。
- New yeoblem emerge as they discus further. 随着他们讨论的深入新的问题也冒了出来。
- I am call about what we discus the other day. 我打电话是为了前几天我们所讨论的事。
- This problem can be discus tomorrow . 这个问题可以明天讨论。
- He wanted to throw the discus back to Apollo. 想要把它丢回给阿波罗。
- disci opticus [医] 视神经盘, 视神经乳头
- Greek sculptor? of the Discus Thrower. 米伦希腊雕刻家,掷铁饼者的雕刻者
- Greek sculptor of the Discus Thrower. 米伦希腊雕刻家,掷铁饼者的雕刻者
- He was the first place in the discus throw. 他掷铁饼获得第一名。
- A0038 Discus Tea Cake has a sharp straight edge. A0038铁饼茶有很直切的边缘。