- Based upon the above analysis, the article discusses how such cognitive principles act as cohesive devices and play a role in the formation of discoursal coherence. 以此为基础,文章探讨了这三种深层/性衔接手段如何作用于语篇连贯性的生成与建立。
- Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence. 词汇复现是词汇衔接中的一个重要方面,为篇章的连贯提供了基础。
- Abstract: Both cohesion and thematic progression play important roles in discourse coherence. 文摘:衔接与主位推进都对语篇的连贯起着重要作用,但其作用的发挥必须以话题相关为前提。
- Both cohesion and thematic progression play important roles in discourse coherence. 衔接与主位推进都对语篇的连贯起着重要作用,但其作用的发挥必须以话题相关为前提。
- However,their functions are presupposed by topic relevance, which is the premise of discourse coherence. 话题相关是实现语篇连贯的必要条件。
- Centering Theory is proved to be an extremely useful theory of discourse coherence and salience. 向心理论是一个有关语篇连贯和显著性的理论。
- Discourse coherence refers to the connexity in the meaning of a passage or different parts of a text. 摘要语篇连贯是指一段话语或某个语篇的不同部分在意义上的联系。
- The present paper offers the hypothesis that discourse coherence results from the audience's holistic construal of the discourse. 本文提出语篇的整体性识解假说,认为连贯性是听话人整体性识解的结果。
- Functionally, modal adverbs can emphasize or give prominence to the focus, specify preposition and help discourse coherence. 针对学生使用语气副词的偏误,教师讲解应注重四个切入点:预设、焦点、语用环境和篇章衔接。
- The achievement of discourse coherence, to a large extent, depends on whether receivers can activate the relevant schemata or not. 语篇连贯的获得,在很大程度上,依赖于语篇接收者能否激活相关图式。
- Discourse coherence is not only established by cohesion and discourse structures, but even more by psychological coherence. 语篇连贯不仅靠街接手段和语篇结构获得,更靠心理上的连贯取得。
- The analysis starts with the metafunctions of language and furthers with how the discourse coherence can be realized through the transitivity system. 这种连贯性分析是以三个纯理功能为基础的概念功能,人际功能和语篇功能。本文讨论语篇的概念意义层次上的连贯性是如何通过及物性系统得以实现。
- Discourse markers as a language component on the surface level in the source language play an important role in the discourse coherence on a deeper level. 话语标记语在源语的会话中作为表层的语言成分,对语篇深层的连贯起着举足轻重的作用。
- The present study, adopting the framework of Relevance Theory and mainly qualitative in nature, intends to investigate the mechanism of discourse coherence. 本研究以关联理论为框架,采用定性、定量相结合的方法,旨在探讨话语连贯的内在机制。
- DMs function as traffic lights or landmarks,as it were,and they are used to create discourse coherence and to achieve situated interpretations of utterances. 而话语标记在这一过程中扮演的角色好比交通信号灯或地标,它们的存在有助于实现话语连贯和对话语的互动理解。
- Danes'sgreat contribution to discourse coherence analysis (Angela Downing, 1974:114) is toextend the concept of theme as point of beginning of a single sentence to that ofexplaining the inner development of texts. 旦尼斯对语篇连贯分析的巨大贡献在于他发展了主位的概念,并把主位作为小句的出发点,通过主位的不断推进解释语篇的内部发展。
- Based on these two theories, the thesis holds that a better understanding of discourse coherence is based on the contextual effects gained in the cognitive environment of the addressee. 基于这两种理论,本文认为,对语篇连贯的理解依赖于接受者在认知环境中所获得的语境效果。
- Conventional presupposition, being closely tied to surface aspects of language, dictates the flow of information in a discourse and consequently, exerts constraint on discourse coherence. 规约性预设由于与语言表层结构关系紧密,因而在语篇的信息流中,直接制约着信息展开的方式,并以此制约语篇的连贯。
- Conceptual metaphor and discourse coherence 概念隐喻和语篇连贯
- A Study of the Discourse Coherence from Text 从语用角度看语篇连贯