- Kinematic Modeling and Simulation of Complex Structure Over-obstacle Mobile Robot on Discontinuous Terrain 突变地形下的复合结构移动越障机器人运动学建模与仿真
- The commander made a detailed study of the terrain. 司令员对地形作了仔细研究。
- Eventually he spotted the airstrip spread out on a level terrain. 他终于找到了那个伸展在平地上的简易机场。
- A jeep is ideal for driving over rough terrain. 吉普车很适合在高低不平的路面上行驶。
- discontinuous terrain 突变地形
- Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain. 在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进
- It's a difficult terrain for tanks. 这是坦克作战的困难地形。
- Output current is also discontinuous (chopped). 输出电流也不连续(斩波).
- The car blitzed through rough terrain. 这辆汽车长驱穿越了崎岖地带。
- They stopped and began to reconnoitre the terrain. 他们停下来,开始勘测地形。
- It had only opened the way of an unknown terrain. 这仅仅是开辟了通向茫茫荒原的一条道路。
- How are we building our terrain mesh? 我们如何建立地形模型?
- He found that the sonic surface was, in general, discontinuous. 他发现声速面通常是不连续的。
- Grants hero the ability to fly over terrain. 英雄得到飞行能力。
- Fixed several terrain exploits in Warsong Gulch. 修正数个战歌峡谷地形。
- How to Use the Edit Terrain Tool? 如何使用地形编辑工具?
- Terrain: High in the West and lower in the East. 地形:中国地势西高东低。
- At each interface the spreading wave front is made discontinuous. 在每一分界面上扩展的波前出现间断。
- Boots designed for rugged terrain. 为泥泞地区设计的靴子
- The BVP for first order discontinuous IDE with fixed times. 一阶脉冲微分方程泛函边值问题。