- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- A rim, as of a vessel, bell, or crater. 边容器、铃和坑的边缘
- Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano. 熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。
- How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 卸货需要多久?
- The simultaneous discharge of these guns. 舷炮齐射这些枪炮的同时开火
- She is competent in the discharge of her duties. 她善於履行职责。
- The prisoner was glad to get his discharge. 囚犯获准释放,感到很高兴。
- discharge crater 放电蚀坑
- Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon? 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?
- A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas. 屁从肠内排出的(通常有声音的)气体
- A certain discharge of possible radioactive effluent. 一定量的可能有放射性的废水。
- A large crater formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone. 火山口火山爆发而形成的环形山或大山核心部分的崩塌而形成的环形山
- Promoting or inducing nasal discharge. 催嚏的促使或导致打喷嚏的
- An opening for outward discharge; a vent. 排气道,通气管向外排放物质的洞; 通风孔
- I could look at a crater so closely. 可以这么近距离地看到火山口啊。
- Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano . 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。
- Discharge pipe take pollutant away from the coastal area into the sea. 排泄管道将污染性物质由沿海岸区排入大海。
- Barringer crater is 1.2km in diameter. 巴林杰陨石坑的直径有1.;2千米。
- Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano. 烟从火山口一阵阵地喷出。
- Gigantic blocks of rock litter the crater floor. 陨石坑底部到处是巨大石块。